[BNC-all] WEEKLY MEMO, 08.18.08

Deborah S. Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
Mon Aug 18 07:36:15 EDT 2008

WEEKLY MEMO, August 18, 2008
Nancy will be serving faculty and their students, as well as the Birck
engineering staff members.  She will also backup Melissa Marris and Annie
Cheever. Her office is BRK 2287, 48675, nlblack at purdue.edu.  Please stop by
and introduce yourself.
NANCY BLACK, BRK 2287, 48675, nlblack at purdue.edu
Faculty and Student support: Capano, Cooper, Datta, and Shalaev.
Staff Support: Coy, Gardner, Grau, Hosler, Jurss, Kuhn, Lubelski, Mahmood,
Miller, Reece, Reger, Rowe, Schwartz, Sharifi, Totten, Voorhis, Weaver, and
Secretarial back-up.
ANNIE CHEEVER, Birck skywalk atrium, 68327, acheever at purdue.edu
Faculty and Student Support: Alam, Bergstrom, Chappell, Chen, Clark, Fisher,
Irudayaraj, Janes, Leary, Mohammadi, Narimanov, Peroulis, Ribbe, Savran,
Wei, Wereley, Xu, Yang, Ye, and Ziaie.
Secretarial back-up.
MELISSA MARRIS, Birck atrium, 47053, lanem at purdue.edu
Faculty and Student Support: Appenzeller, Bashir, Chang, Garimella, Kais,
Lee, Lyanda-Geller, McNally, Moon, Qi, Raman, Rao, Reifenberger, Rokhinson,
Schwartz, Stach, and Woodall.
Staff Support:  Drachev, Goecker, Starewich, Zakharov, and Zemlyanov.
Secretarial back-up.
1.3:  CARRY-IN:  Thursday, 08.28.08, 11:30-1:00PM, Birck Atrium. Fall
Carry-in to celebrate the Fall Semester and Accomplishments from last year.
Bring a dish and have lunch; table service to be provided.
1.4:  Lego Display training session: DP Engagement will offer a training
session for the AFM Lego Display, located in our Atrium.  Learn how to
operate and use the display, fun facts about the display and what an AFM is
used for in our Center:  Wednesday, August 20, 1:00-1:30.  Let Valerie
Lawless know if you would like to attend this session (lawlessv at purdue.edu).
1.5: FREE Vacuum Training Seminars offered by Varian Inc. on Sept. 16-17.
Standard High and Ultra High Vacuum Seminar offered on Sept. 16 from
5:30-9:30pm and Advanced High and Ultra High Vacuum Seminar offered on Sept.
17 from 5:30-9:30pm. Registrants of advanced seminar are recommended to also
attend the standard seminar. Seminars will be in room 1001 (NOT BIRCK) in
the Jischke Hall of Biomedical Engineering (MJIS). Free dinner (pizza or
sandwiches) will be provided. Contact Jeremy Schroeder (jlschroe at purdue.edu)
to register. SEE ³ATTACH1² AND ³ATTACH2.²
1.6: Birck gets waxed J: per Dan Hinrichs, the scrubbing and waxing of the
one- and two-person offices will be put on hold in order to finish
ten-person offices and begin hallways and the atrium.  We will be notified
when the other offices are to be done.
1.7:  Scanning Probe Microscopy User group meeting: Friday, 08.29.08,
11:30AM, BRK 2001; PIZZA provided. Purdue University Scanning Probe
Microscopy (PU-SPM) User Group meetings will be initiated with the Call out
meeting on the 29th of August at Birck center Rm 2001. In the call out
meeting, information will be provided about the PU-SPM community, its plan
for the next year, and why it is beneficial to all the SPM users to join the
PU-SPM User Group and attend the biweekly meetings.  A schedule of this
Fall¹s meetings, as well as speaker names and topics will be provided.
Suggestions from the attendees about the PU-SPM activities or meetings
schedule will be highly appreciated.  Pizza and drinks will be provided.
2.1:  Monday, 08.18.08, 4:30PM:  BDMF guests, with Candiss Vibbert.
2.2:  Tuesday, 08.19.08, 2:45-3:45PM:  Hoosier Oncology Group/Advocates,
with Charles Buck.
2.3:  Wednesday, 08.20.08, 4:45-5:30PM:  Raytheon, with Charles Buck.
     see below for descriptions, abstracts, and bios
3.1:  Thursday, 09.25.08, 7­8:30PM, STEW 214ABC:  ³Proposal Writing Workshop
for Graduate Students,² by Peter E. Dunn (registration required).
4.1:  3rd BioNanoTox and Applications Research Conference will be held at
University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA, October
23-24, 2008  http://bionanotox.googlepages.com
<http://bionanotox.googlepages.com>  <http://bionanotox.googlepages.com/
<http://bionanotox.googlepages.com/> >
Early registration and abstract submission is now open and will last till
Aug. 30th, 2008
4.2:  The California Institute of Nanotechnology is pleased to announce a
workshop on ³Micro-Nano Fabrication for Photovoltaic Applications,² Sept.
3­20 in San Jose.  This hands-on workshop is designed to teach you the
fundamentals of micro-nanofabrication and apply these techniques to create
your own thin film photovoltaic cell in the lab. This course includes 6
hours of classroom lectures and 24 hours of lab practicals.  The labs will
be on Saturday 9:00 AM-5:30 PM (September 6, 13 and 20) and classroom
learning will be on Wednesday evening from 7:00 PM-9:00 PM (September 3, 10
and 17).  This intensive 30 hour workshop offers: Hands-on experience
designing and manufacturing your very own thin film photovoltaic cell;
Characterize your solar cell using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM);
Acquire basic skills in ultra-high vacuum, physical vapor deposition,
lithography, etching and metallization.  PRE-REQUISITES: four year degree in
science or engineering; at least 3 years of working experience in a high
tech industry.  TUITION:  $1,495 for the 30-hour workshop.  Registration
online:  http://cinano.com/registration-FAB.htm
434B464A430E4141414345420E400E4040454B4A47400E08.aspx> >.  For more
information, please visit the web site: http://cinano.com/nanofab.html
434B464A430E4141414345420E400E404345444043460E08.aspx> > or contact us at
4.3:  CALL FOR PAPERS.  Abstracts Due October 1st.  36th International
Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films € ICMCTF 2009.  April
27-May 1, 2009, Town and Country Hotel,  San Diego, California, USA.
www2.avs.org/conferences/icmctf/default.asp.  Topical SYMPOSIUM TS4:
Surface Engineering for Thermal Interfaces, Heat Flow Control, and Thermal
Energy Management.  Symposium Chairs:  Andrey Voevodin, Air Force Research
Laboratory, USA, and Timothy Fisher, Purdue University, USA.  The session
will discuss surface engineering approaches for thermal energy management,
using thin film nanolayers, nanostructures, nanotube arrays, etc.  The focus
will be on the surface modification for directional and tailored thermal
conductivity from cryogenic to elevated temperatures, technologies for
adaptive thermal interfaces to control heat flow transport, embedded phase
change materials for thermal energy storage, surface structures for thermal
energy conversion and harvesting, nanostructures for thermal dissipation by
photon emissions, etc.  Experimental and modeling papers are welcomed.
Invited Speakers:  D. Cahill, University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign,
USA, ³Thermal Conductivity Control with Thin Films,² and Umesh Waghmere,
JNCASR, India, "First Principles Calculations of Heat Transfer in
     for seminars/workshops lists above
5.1:  Register now!  Proposal Writing Workshop for Graduate Students:
Thursday, September 25, 2008, 7­8:30PM, STEW 214ABC.  Peter E. Dunn,
associate vice president for research and director of University research
administration, will conduct the workshop.  Online registration will be
available at the Graduate School¹s Professional Development website
(http://www.gradschool.purdue.edu/development/).  Questions should be
directed to Peter Dunn (46840; pedunn at purdue.edu).
6.1:  POSTER SESSION:  The Energy Center, Center for the Environment, and
Purdue Climate Change Research Center are collaborating on a program
designed to catalyze discussion of research and reality at the intersection
of climate, environment, and energy technology alternatives. Timed to
complement thought leader Thomas Friedman¹s campus visit and presentation
scheduled for Friday, September 19, the program includes a Thursday evening
poster session (9/18) open to all, with awards planned for three divisions:
undergraduate, graduate, and unlimited.  The unlimited category is open to
anyone, including community members, faculty, and staff.  Posters should
reflect an understanding of the intersection but may focus on a particular
topic or technology.  SEE attachment ³GREENWEEK3.²
Event:  Green Week Poster Session
Date:  Thursday, September 18th
Time:  4:00 - 6:30 PM
Location:  Stewart Center, Rm. 214ABC
6.1:  ³Making Strides Against Breast Cancer,² special fundraising event
scheduled for October 11, 2008.  A walk is scheduled to help raise money for
women who are affected, or who could be affected, by beast cancer.  The walk
will be around the wooded area at SIA as well as their track.  It¹s not a
marathon, just a walk.
·Every three minutes, a woman learns she has breast cancer. In fact, more
than 212,000 American women will receive that terrifying news this year and
nearly 41,000 will die from the disease.
·Everyday, the American Cancer Society fights breast cancer in our
community. The Society funds lifesaving research, provides up-to-date breast
cancer education, advocates for public policies that ensure all women have
access to cutting-edge breast cancer screenings and treatment, and provides
services that improve the quality of life for patients and their families.
·The American Cancer Society's ³Making Strides Against Breast Cancer² is a
noncompetitive walk to raise awareness and funds to fight breast cancer
while providing hope to all people facing the disease.
·Making Strides is more than just an event.  It¹s about passion; it¹s about
prevention; it¹s about survival; and it¹s about remembering those for whom
the cure did not come soon enough.
Join the DP team!  Contact Melissa Marris (lanem at purdue.edu) or Mari-Ellyn
Brock (mebrock at purdue.edu).  Sign up to join the walk or give a donation

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