[BNC-all] MONDAY MEMO: 10.29.07

Deborah Starewich dstarewi at exchange.purdue.edu
Mon Oct 29 09:37:42 EDT 2007

MONDAY MEMO, October 29, 2007
1. Announcements
1.1:  MAKE UP SESSIONS: All-user meetings; Monday, October 29, 6:00PM MRGN
121 and Tuesday, October 30, 6:00PM, MRGN 121.  There are a large number of
people who missed the all-user meetings for BNC.  If you have access ‹ key
or card ‹ to a laboratory or the cleanroom, you were REQUIRED to attend one
of these meetings.  To assist you in maintaining your access, we have
scheduled two makeup sessions. NOTE THAT THESE ARE THE ONLY MAKEUP SESSIONS
THAT WILL BE OFFERED. Anyone who has not attended an all-user meeting or one
of the makeup sessions will have access to the cleanroom and laboratories
REVOKED.  To restore access privileges, go to nano.purdue.edu (facilities =>
operations) and download the slide packet OR view the slides on-line with
your advisor (see Step 2); Meet with your advisor and go through the slides
that were presented; Print the form that is included with these slides; sign
the form and have your advisor sign the form; send or give the form to John
Weaver (BRK 1025). Your access will be restored as soon as practical after
the form is received.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have already attended an all-user meeting, or if you do
not have access to the labs or cleanroom, you may disregard this message.
1.2:  SUPERUSER MEETING, Friday, November 2, 10:00AM; BRK 2001.  The first
superuser meeting will be concerning the evaporators and sputterers in the
Birck Cleanroom.  ALL STUDENTS are invited.
1.3:  BLOOD BORNE PATHOGEN TRAINING: Friday, 11.02, 3:00PM, BRK 1099.
1.4:  LAB SUPPLIES:  We are in the final stages of evaluating new gloves for
use in the facility.  If you would like to volunteer to test and document
the dexterity/comfort/robustness of the new gloves before the official
supplier is selected, please email Dave Lubelski (lubelski at purdue.edu).  He
will issue you a questionnaire and some sample gloves to use for the next
few weeks.
1.5:  KUDOS:  Sabre Kais has been elected a Fellow of AAAS for ³Outstanding
creative contribution to theoretical chemistry, particularly the development
of a finite size scaling approach to calculate quantum critical parameters
for atomic, molecular and quantum dot systems.²
1.6:  PRINTING in Birck using one of the copiers:  ECN reports that a
document is now in place that describes how to connect to the Canon printers
(BRK1022, 3220,; BRK2020, 5570,; and BRK1220,
5570,  Visit
.  Please note, printers at BRK have page accounting turned on, so you must
know your access code in order to print via the printers listed above (see
secretarial staff for assistance, if you don¹t have a code).
1.7:  NanoScienceWorks.org:  Purdue and the Birck Center were listed as the
³Featured Institution² October e-newsletter.
³Purdue University is the home of several world-class nanoscience centers
and initiatives. Purdue¹s Birck Nanotechnology Center at Purdue leverages
advances in nanoscale science and engineering to addressing societal
challenges and opportunities in computing, communications, the environment,
security, energy independence, and health. Purdue is also the home of the
Network for Computational Nanotechnology, and the online nanoHUB portal,
which provides tools for simulations, research, and teaching for K-12 and
graduate/undergraduate instructors. In the last year, some 5,700 users have
run 220,000+ simulations at nanoHUB.²
 Learn More 
0b/searchterm=purdue> .
bc/searchterm=purdue> ..
2. Seminars / Classes
2.1:  Monday, October 29, 2:30PM; ECE 317:  NCN Seminar: ³Plastic
Deformation at Micron and Submicron Scales:  A MicroMechanics Simulation
Tool tutorial,² by Marisol Koslowski, Assistant Professor of Mechanical
Engineering, Purdue University.
ABSTRACT:  Most people experiences the way objects plastically deform on a
macroscopic scale. From a car crash to the bending of a paper clip plastic
deformation occurs in the form of a smooth flow as a response of an applied
stress. But due to the constant shrinking on the dimensions of mechanical
devices -such as micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) and micro
electronic interconnects- the notion that plasticity is governed not by a
steady flow but by the occurrence of intermittent avalanches of defects
moving through the material is gaining increasing attention.  To model the
deformation of metallic materials at micron and submicron scales a continuum
theory of dislocations is derived. We will introduce the MicroMechanics
Simulation Tool a dislocation mechanics simulation tool for the prediction
of plastic deformation of single crystals. We will show some simulations
that show the formation of structures and their influence in macroscopic
deformation as for example the dependence on the yield stress on the
characteristic size of the sample.
BIO:  Dr. Marisol Koslowski is an assistant professor of Mechanical
Engineering, Purdue University. Previously she was a Technical Staff Member
in the Theoretical Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory. She received
her B.S. degree in Physics in 1997 from the University of Buenos Aires,
Argentina and her M.S in 1999 and her Ph. D. in Aeronautics in 2003 from the
California Institute of Technology. Her research interests are the
development of theoretical and numerical tools to study the mechanical
response of materials and structures, especially at micro- and nano-scales.
2.2:  Tuesday, October 30, 1:30PM; MRGN 121:  ³International Research and
Education Funding Opportunities for Faculty and Students,² by Larry H.
Weber, PhD, Office of International Science and Engineering, National
Science Foundation.
For additional information, please contact Dr. Pankaj Sharma,
sharma at purdue.edu; 4-9806.
2.3:  2007 Discovery Lecture Series:  Global Business Development in Life
Sciences, Thursday, November 8, 9:00AM, Ross-Ade Pavilion.
9:00 Session I ‹ Kauffman Campuses Initiative, Best Practices Workshop:
³Skills for Business Development,² by Ted Ashburn, Senior Director of
Corporate Development, Genzyme Corporation; ³Skills for Successful
Entrepreneurs,² by Michael Kurek, Partner, Biotechnology Business
Consultants, LLC
11:30 Luncheon ‹ BioCrossroads Keynote, Starting Regionally, Thinking
Globally, Business Development, and the Life Sciences: ³Welcome and
Opening,² by Alan Rebar, Sr. Assoc. Vice President for Research, Executive
Director, Discovery Park, Purdue University; ³Keynote: Biotech 2007: A
Global Transformation,² by G. Steven Burrill, CEO, Burrill and Company,
moderated by William Miller, Provost Emeritus, Stanford University;
³Technology Commercialization and Purdue University,² by France A. Córdova
2:30 Panel Session ‹ Translating Indiana Ideas into Global Successes,
moderated by David Johnson, President and CEO, BioCrossroads:  ³Importance
of Intellectual Property,² by Ted Ashburn; and ³Considering Global
Competition When Developing IP in a Startup Environment,² by Roger Newton,
Co-Founder, Esperion Therapeutics, a Division of Pfizer Global Research &
This event is free and supported by the generosity of the Lilly Endowment
and the Kauffman Foundation. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come,
first-serve basis.  Questions may be directed to:  Lori LeRoy, Public
Relations and Marketing Director, Biocrossroads, at
lleroy at biocrossroads.com; or Candiss B. Vibbert, Associate Director for
Discovery Park Engagement, at vibbert at purdue.edu.  Please register today:
2.4: Spring 2008 Course Announcement: ME/CHE 517, ³Micro/Nanoscale Physical
Processes,² Professors Gil Lee (ChE) and Steve Wereley (ME); Tuesdays and
Thursdays 9:00-10:15am
Objective:  You will learn how physical behavior changes as system size is
decreased to the micrometer and nanometer length scales.  You will determine
when to expect processes to behave differently than at traditional
macroscopic length scales and how to use these behavior differences to
accomplish innovative tasks at microscopic length scales.  This will include
the use numerical tools (such as ANSYS and Matlab) to study these systems
and predict their behavior.
Description:  This class will prepare engineers and scientists to address
problems they will encounter when studying physical phenomena commonly
encountered in Nanotechnology and Micro-Electromechanical Systems. The
course will provide the student with the tools to analyze mechanics,
dynamics, electricity and magnetism, optics, surface phenomena, fluid
dynamics, heat transfer, and mass transfer problems at the micrometer scale
and below. Atomic force microscopes (AFM), MEMS, and microfluidic systems
will be analyzed quantitatively using the ANSYS or equivalent analysis
Prerequisites:  Students should be of advanced undergraduate or graduate
standing; have had experience at the undergraduate level with: statics,
dynamics, electricity and magnetism, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and mass
transfer; and be capable of independent work.
2.5:  Spring 2008 Course Announcement: ME595W, ³Fundamentals of Particle
Image Velocimetry,² Professor Steve Wereley (ME); Tuesdays 12:30PM, ME 204;
one-credit hour
Particle image velocimetry (PIV) and related techniques such as micro-PIV
are quickly becoming the standard tools for measuring fluids and fluid-like
materials in motion because of their utility in exploring complex flows such
as the microflow around a human red blood cell (below left) and a wavy
Taylor vortex (below right). This one credit hour course will expose
students to the wide variety of flows and flow parameters that can be
measured with this versatile technique.  The course will focus on the
scientific principles underlying the PIV technique‹fluid dynamics, particle
dynamics, lasers, optics, imaging, etc.‹as well as the practical application
of these principles to reach an in-depth understanding of the technique
including its advantages over competing techniques, its limitations, and its
future potential.  When finished with the course, students will have
attained a level of expertise at which they can analyze a particular flow
and determine the optimal parameter space for investigating that flow:
algorithm choice, particle size, time between exposures, imaging format,
magnification, etc.  Students will be exposed to several of the popular
commercial particle image velocimetry packages in addition to writing their
own basic software. Several advanced topics such as microscopic PIV, stereo
PIV, and 3D velocity measurements will be covered. Course grades will be
based on approximately weekly assignments and a single final project to be
presented orally near the end of the semester.
3. Birck Visitors
3.1:  Tuesday, October 30, 1:30PM:  First-Year Engineering Seminar Students.
3.2:  Wednesday, October 31, 10:30AM:  CHM115S class tour group; Prof.
Chitta Das.
3.3:  Thursday, November 1, 4:00PM:  Purdue Student Pugwash.
3.4:  Friday, November 2, 10:45AM:  University of Belgium visitors.
3.5:  Friday, November 2, 1:45PM:  PULSe Program tour
3.6:  Saturday, November 3, 2:00PM:  Purdue Collegiate 4-H group.
4. Funding Opportunities
4.1:  NineSigma Request, RFP# 50591-1, ³Clutch Wear Sensing²; a Fortune 100
company, invites proposals for the design and development of a sensing
technology for wear detection in a clutch assembly for automatic
transmission systems.  The final submission date for Proposal Abstracts is
November 16, 2007. More information is available in the Request for Proposal
(RFP) document online at http://www.ninesigma.com/mx/50591-1
<http://www.ninesigma.com/mx/50591-1> .  If after reviewing the full RFP
document you are interested in submitting a proposal or would like more
information, please contact Irina Shiyanovskaya (phd at ninesigmainc.com) by
email and reference RFP# 50591-1 in the subject line.  (Birck contact: Yong
5. One Purdue
5.1:  Have you begun using One Purdue to place orders?  Check with your home
departments to be sure that you have been given access to use the SRM
Purchasing Services is conducting SRM Requisitioner Hands-on Workshops on
Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning immediately through November 15th.  Each
workshop is two hours long.  The first workshop will be from 8-10 am and the
second from 10-12 pm.  The workshops will be held in the Business Services
Training Room in FREH (located on the first floor behind the reception
This workshop is intended to aid Requisitioners (that would be anyone
interested in placing an order) in ordering through SRM.  The first 30
minutes will be a presentation of tips and tricks, including setting default
ship-to information, using vendor lists, proper procedures for identifying
pricing, and more.  The remaining time will be spent entering live orders
with the assistance of Purchasing Services staff.  Please bring orders to
enter during the workshop.
All sessions are the same material, you only need to attend one session.
Space is limited, so please register as soon as possible. To register: go
to: www.itap.purdue.edu/training <http://www.itap.purdue.edu/training/
<http://www.itap.purdue.edu/training/> >; click on the header ³OnePurdue²
(about three-quarters down the right column); all the showcases and
workshops currently available for enrollment will appear; when the you click
on ³Register Now,² you will be prompted to log in with your Career Account
user ID and password. You will then be asked to verify your name, e-mail
address and phone number. Click on the ³Submit² button. Several things will
then happen:
* Your registration will be  confirmed on the screen, including the date,
time and training location.
* Click on a ³Download² icon to add  the event to your Outlook calendar.
* An e-mail confirmation will be  sent to you.
This system maintains an automated waiting list for each class. If a class
section is full, you may choose to be added to its waiting list. If
registered people cancel, you will automatically be bumped, (in the order of
the waiting list) into the vacant seats. You will be sent an e-mail
confirmation, so it's important that you cancel your registration if you are
unable to attend.
5.2:  OnePurdue town halls to address student systems: Faculty and staff are
invited to attend a OnePurdue Student System Town Hall meeting to learn how
OnePurdue will affect the financial aid, bursar/student accounts, admission,
and registrar business processes and systems.  The November town halls will
be held in Fowler Hall, Stewart Center, on the West Lafayette campus as
follows:  Nov. 5. 1-3PM and Nov. 15. 10AM-noon. Questions regarding the
OnePurdue Town Hall should be sent to Adedayo Adeniyi, OnePurdue Director of
Change Management & Communications, at aadeniyi at purdue.edu.
6.  Life on the Outside
6.1:  Family increases by one J:  John Coy is the proud papa of Abigail
Barbara who entered this world on Tuesday, 10.23 at 1:57PM weighing in at 6
lbs and 14 ounces.  She¹s a full 19 inches tall.

Deborah S. Starewich
Administrative Assistant to Timothy D. Sands, Director
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University

dstarewi at ecn.purdue.edu


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