[BNC-all] MONDAY MEMO -- even though it's Tuesday :)

Deborah Starewich dstarewi at exchange.purdue.edu
Tue May 29 08:21:50 EDT 2007

1. Announcements
1.1: Shut down of West Lab Wing for PM:  We are planning to complete a
needed six-month preventative maintenance of the west lab wing chemical
exhaust and air makeup systems for ~3.5 hours, if not issues arise.
The shut down of the west lab wing chemical exhaust and makeup air units are
scheduled for June 12 starting at 5:30AM, to be completed by 9:00AM.
Shutting these systems down will increase the temperature in all the west
labs.  Therefore, temperature sensitive equipment will need to be idled.
Since west lab wing chemical exhaust system will be down, all chemicals will
need to be removed from the fume hoods by 4:00PM on June 11.  All process
tools using chemical exhaust will be shut down during the PM time as well.
Please contact MARK VOORHIS should you have any questions or concerns
(43036; mvoorhis at purdue.edu).

1.2: Check out e-pubs ( http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/
<http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/> )  <http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/
<http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/> )>

Papers that were originally submitted to the Director's office have now been
posted on the Discovery Park e-pub page.  The Birck Center is a "community"
listed under Discovery Park.  Follow the links from the website referenced
above to see Birck's listings.
If you submitted a paper but don't see it listed, there are a few possible
reasons: 1) the publisher has denied access to the posting of the paper on
other websites; 2) the publisher has limitations regarding when a paper may
be posted ( i.e., may be posted 12 months after the first publication date);
or 3) your publication does not indicate Birck as an affiliation.
One advantage of using this service is that you can easily provide others a
link directly to the current list of your papers without adding separate
links for each paper.  For example, on Prof. Fisher's "Publications"
website, he has included the following statement: "*Electronic versions of
many journal articles are available on Purdue's e-Pubs site for the Birck
Nanotechnology Center.  For all other papers, please send requests by
The underlined text above, "Purdue's e-Pubs site," contains written code
that directs surfers to a sorted listing of his electronic articles
mp;field_2=fname&amp;value_2=Timothy&amp;advanced=1 >  >
mp;field_2=fname&amp;value_2=Timothy&amp;advanced=1 >  >
mp;field_2=fname&amp;value_2=Timothy&amp;advanced=1 >  >  ).  You may
include this <a href> in the coded version of your own websites by simply
using your first and last names where Tim has inserted his first and last

Deborah S. Starewich
Administrative Assistant to Timothy D. Sands, Director
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University

dstarewi at ecn.purdue.edu


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