Deborah Starewich dstarewi at exchange.purdue.edu
Mon May 21 10:43:43 EDT 2007

1. Announcements
1.1: Limited Submission Competition: NSF CI-TEAM.
Per Cris King: The National Science Foundation¹s next deadline for the
Cyberinfrastructure Training, Education, Advancement, and Mentoring for Our
21st Century Workforce (CI-TEAM) competition is August 27. This program
supports projects that position the national science and engineering
community to engage in integrated research and education activities
promoting, leveraging and utilizing cyberinfrastructure systems, tools and
services. The full program announcement may be found at
<http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2007/nsf07564/nsf07564.htm> .
For this competition, Purdue may submit one proposal (either Implementation
or Demonstration) as lead organization.  Internal letters of intent and
preproposals (using templates on the website below) should clearly identify
the type of proposal being submitted.
Internal deadlines are as follows:
Monday, June 18: Letters of Intent due to the OVPR.
Monday, July 16: Preproposals due to the OVPR.
Monday, July 23: Preproposal rankings due to the OVPR.

Please note:  Letters of intent, preproposals, and rankings to the OVPR
should be e-mailed to OVPRlimited at purdue.edu.
Purdue's recently-revised limited submission policy and template for letters
of intent may be found at http://dagon.admin.purdue.edu/cgi-bin/lsid.cgi
<http://dagon.admin.purdue.edu/cgi-bin/lsid.cgi> . For any case in which the
number of internal letters of intent received is no more than the number of
proposals allowed by the sponsor, the OVPR will notify the PI that an
internal preproposal will be unnecessary.
1.2: Limited Submission Competition: Burroughs Wellcome Clinical Scientist
Awards in Translational Research.
Per Cris King: The Burroughs Wellcome Fund has announced its 2008 Clinical
Scientist Awards in Translational Research program, which fosters the
development and productivity of established independent physicial scientists
who will strengthen translational research through their own studies as well
as by mentoring physician-scientist trainees.  Applicants must hold an M.D.
or M.D.-Ph.D. degree, and be in a tenure-track position. The full program
announcement may be found at http://www.bwfund.org <http://www.bwfund.org>
<http://www.bwfund.org/ <http://www.bwfund.org/> >.

For this competition, Purdue may submit two proposals, with an additional
one allowed for a female applicant and an additional one allowed for an
underrepresented minority applicant.
Internal deadlines are as follows:
Monday, June 11: Letters of Intent due to the OVPR.
Monday, July 9: Preproposals due to the OVPR.
Monday, July 16: Preproposal rankings due to the OVPR.

Please note:  Letters of intent, preproposals, and rankings to the OVPR
should be e-mailed to OVPRlimited at purdue.edu.
Purdue's recently-revised limited submission policy and template for letters
of intent may be found at http://dagon.admin.purdue.edu/cgi-bin/lsid.cgi
<http://dagon.admin.purdue.edu/cgi-bin/lsid.cgi> . For any case in which the
number of internal letters of intent received is no more than the number of
proposals allowed by the sponsor, the OVPR will notify the PI that an
internal preproposal will be unnecessary.
2. Seminars
2.1: Candidate for the Avrum and Joyce Gray Director of the Burton D. Morgan
Center for Entrepreneurship Seminar: Dr. Kenneth Kahn, Associate Professor
of Marketing and Stokely Scholar, Department of Marketing and Logistics at
the University of Tennessee in Knxoville, will present "The Future of
Entrepreneurship and the Role of Entrepreneurship Centers in the 21st
Century University," May 21, 2007, 1:30pm, KRAN 140 (Krannert Auditorium).

Deborah S. Starewich
Administrative Assistant to Timothy D. Sands, Director
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University

dstarewi at ecn.purdue.edu


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