[BNC-all] Solvent Glove Policy

Jennifer Monahan-Dian monahan at purdue.edu
Fri Mar 23 16:37:03 EDT 2007

This email is intended to confirm that the new solvent glove policy
discussed at Monday & Tuesday's BNC All User Meeting does not take
effect until Monday.  (Note:  There are no Ansell latex gloves currently
in the cleanroom.)

****On Monday, March 26th, the expanded cleanroom hours and policies
discussed at the All User Meeting **will go into effect.***
*The exception to this rule is the CORAL system which begins April 2nd.*
Until then all existing solvent hood hazard rules apply (goggles, smock,
and orange chemical gloves) both in the cleanroom and in the labs. 
Please follow proper protocol over the weekend.

Thank you for your cooperation.
-- BNC Staff

/ Jennifer Monahan-Dian
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Discovery Park
Purdue University
1205 West State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907

phone: 765-496-1096
fax: 765-496-1099
office: BRK 2238
email: monahan at purdue.edu

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