[BNC-all] Cleanroom Preventive Maintenance

Willison, Sheryl L swilliso at purdue.edu
Wed Mar 21 11:13:42 EDT 2007


We have scheduled a shut down of cleanroom operations for 48 hours to
complete a 6 month preventive maintenance procedure.  We plan to
shutdown cleanroom operations on Tuesday (1-May-07) at 7:00 AM and plan
to be completed by Wednesday (2-May-07) at 5:00 PM.  Maintenance is
required for our cleanroom makeup air handlers, chemical exhaust, and
ultra pure water systems.  Please note that the ultra pure water will be
shut down for the entire building.  We will also complete cleanroom
troubleshooting to improve temperature repeatability during this time. 

Since the chemical exhaust system will be shut down please remove
chemicals from all hoods in the cleanroom prior to the shutdown.  If not
lab staff will dispose of them for you.

Thank you for your understanding and patience during this necessary

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me.


Mark Voorhis
Building Manager
Purdue University
Birck Nanotechnology Center

Ph: 765-494-3036

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