[BNC-all] Fwd: [NCN Students] talk on wednesday..

Bhaskaran bmuralid at purdue.edu
Tue Mar 20 14:19:02 EDT 2007


Hi all..

please find the attachment for the following talk on wednesday 10 am EE 118:
Please inform interested faculty also..


Talk title: Modeling Charge Transport in Molecular and Extended Systems
  Speaker: Prof. Swapan Pati  JNCASR, Bangalore India
  Charge transfer phenomena is quite central to many physical, chemical and
biological processes. These processes include design of electronic switches and
wires in molecular level to photosynthesis and respiration in biological
systems. We have been theoretically modeled a large class of charge transfer and
transport phenomena in molecular and extended systems to achieve effective
control over the parameters responsible for such
phenomena. In this talk, I shall discuss microscopic theory behind four classes
of systems: (i) negative differential resistance in molecular systems (ii)
electron and hole mobilities in organic solids (iii) long range electron
transfer in conjugated chains and (iv) spin-spin interactions leading to
metallicity in modified DNA.  

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