Deborah Starewich dstarewi at exchange.purdue.edu
Mon Jun 4 09:46:55 EDT 2007

MONDAY MEMO, June 4, 2007
1. Announcements
1.1: Shut down of West Lab Wing for PM:  We are planning to complete a
needed six-month preventative maintenance of the west lab wing chemical
exhaust and air makeup systems for ~3.5 hours, if not issues arise.
The shut down of the west lab wing chemical exhaust and makeup air units are
scheduled for June 12 starting at 5:30AM, to be completed by 9:00AM.
Shutting these systems down will increase the temperature in all the west
labs.  Therefore, temperature sensitive equipment will need to be idled.
Since west lab wing chemical exhaust system will be down, all chemicals will
need to be removed from the fume hoods by 4:00PM on June 11.  All process
tools using chemical exhaust will be shut down during the PM time as well.
Please contact MARK VOORHIS should you have any questions or concerns
(43036; mvoorhis at purdue.edu).
1.2:  PowerPoint slides from the All-User Meeting sessions, held in March of
this year, have now been posted to the Birck website.  Visit the Operations
page from the Facilities tab to download a pdf.
1.3: Smoking Policy distributed Wednesday, 05.30.  Please check your In-box
for an e-mail from John Weaver regarding the Birck Center¹s Smoking Policy.
He sent a statement and map that designates smoking areas.
³Purdue University has a nonsmoking policy in all buildings and within 30
feet of the building exteriors. The Birck Nanotechnology Center observes
those restrictions, and for building contamination control and safety
reasons has additional areas that go beyond those distance requirements. To
counterbalance these requirements, two seating areas have been created
outside of this perimeter to accommodate smokers. Butt containers have been
provided at various points along the perimeter and at these seating areas.
Use of these containers is greatly appreciated, and assists us in
maintaining the neat, professional appearance of the building.  It is
especially important that these containers be used, as the mulch surrounding
the building is combustible ­ we have already had one small fire that
resulted from the careless disposal of a cigarette in the mulch!
³The seating area northwest of the main building entrance, across the double
sidewalk, is available to smokers, as is the picnic table area southeast of
the building.  All areas south of the double sidewalk ­ including the two
seating areas near the front doors ­ are nonsmoking. Additionally, the
entire area between the Birck Nanotechnology Center and the Bindley
Bioscience Center ­ including the seating area ­ is nonsmoking.  To the west
of the BNC, the sidewalk defines the 30-foot limit as far south as the
extension of Marshall Drive.  South of Marshall Drive, the nonsmoking area
extends an additional 50 feet west in the vicinity of the South Yard (the
area enclosed by the black fence) where ultra-high-purity gases are
delivered and dispensed.  South of the building the white-colored concrete
defines the nonsmoking areas in the vicinity of the chemical dock and the
receiving dock. 
³Currently there are several signs indicating smoking and nonsmoking areas,
and additional signs have been ordered.  Together we can ensure a safe and
contamination-free facility in which to perform our research. Your
assistance in this is greatly appreciated by all BNC stakeholders.²

Deborah S. Starewich
Administrative Assistant to Timothy D. Sands, Director
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University

dstarewi at ecn.purdue.edu


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