[BNC-all] Upcoming Required NSF Grants.gov submissions

Brown, Stacy L. slb at purdue.edu
Wed Jan 10 17:05:40 EST 2007

Below is an email from SPS about upcoming due dates for NSF proposals
that must be submitted via Grants.gov.  Please be sure that your
allowing adequate time if you are submitting to one of these
solicitations.  Please let me know if you have any questions.
Stacy Brown
Purdue University
Business Manager
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Phone: 765-494-1619
Fax: 765-496-8299

NSF has announced it's FY 2007 Grants.gov required programs listed

* 06-554 Antarctic Artists and Writers (OPP) -- June 6, 2007 
* 07-502 Scientific Computing Research Environments for the Mathematical
Sciences (MPS) -- January 25, 2007 * 
* 06-574 Living Stock Collections (BIO) -- July 4, 2007 
* 06-535 Advanced Learning Technologies (CISE) -- April 25, 2007 
* 06-584 CEDAR, GEM, and SHINE Postdoctoral Research (GEO) -- February
5, 2007 
* 07-511 Research in Disability Education (EHR) - February 12, 2007 
* PD 05-1635 Infrastructure Materials Applications and Structural
Mechanics (ENG) -- February 15, 2007 and October 1, 2007 

* PD 98-1352 Geography and Regional Science (SBE) -- January 15, 2007
and August 15, 2007 
Note for the Geography and Regional Science program, the Doctoral
Dissertation Research Improvement proposals are not required to be
submitted through Grants.gov. 

* Please note NSF 07-502 Scientific Computing Research Environments for
the Mathematical Sciences (MPS) program with a due date of January 25,
2007. We are anticipating that there will be some proposals in response
to this solicitation. 

Below we have highlighted some critical issues to be aware of when
preparing a NSF Grants.gov application: 

*	All PIs, Co-PIs, and subawardee organizations must be registered
Fastlane users prior to submission. Please contact SPS to establish an
account if you are a new user. 
*	NSF requires that applicants submit attachments to applications
in PDF format. To avoid problems with converting files to PDF, please
use the NSF Conversion Utility tool accessed through the Proposal
Preparation module. 
*	Once a proposal is submitted through Grants.gov, it must pass an
electronic validation check in order to be inserted into the Fastlane
system. If it fails, the proposal will have to be resubmitted through
Grants.gov before the deadline.  Once a proposal is accepted into
Fastlane, updates, revisions or any future activity must be done through
*	A guide for preparation and submission of NSF applications via
Grants.gov is available for download with each Grants.gov package.
However, you will still need to look at the program solicitation for
instructions specific to that solicitation or for any additional
*	All collaborative proposals submitted as separate submissions
from multiple organizations must be submitted via the NSF FastLane
system and cannot be submitted through Grants.gov. 

If you are preparing a NSF Grants.gov proposal, please contact SPS
Pre-award Services.  

Attached is a more detailed explanation of the above points. 

<<Purdue University NSF Grants.doc>> 

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