[BNC-all] ROOM CORRECTION: NIH workshop: December 6, on behalf of Perry Kirkham and Tim Sands

Deborah Starewich dstarewi at exchange.purdue.edu
Mon Dec 3 12:48:04 EST 2007

On Thursday, December 6, the Office of the Vice President for Research
(OVPR) at Purdue University is hosting a workshop featuring two program
officers from the National Institutes of Health, and would appreciate your
sharing this information with faculty in your college or school, department,
or center.
* Belinda Seto, Deputy Director, National Institute of Biomedical Imaging
and Bioengineering (NIBIB), will present on the topic of imaging and future
initiatives of the NIBIB.
* David Balshaw, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
(NIEHS), program administrator for the Center for Risk and Integrated
Sciences with specific responsibilities in systems biology, proteomics and
nanotechnology applications, will address nanotechnology initiative
development efforts within the NIEHS and across the NIH, with a special
emphasis on environmental health implications of nanotechnology.
The presenters will provide an overview of their respective institutes and
of the NIH culture.
The agenda for this event is:
Morning: Stewart 214 C&D
*   9:30 a.m. ­ Registration and coffee
* 10:00 a.m. ­ Joint presentation: David Balshaw and Belinda Seto
* 10:45 a.m. ­ Discussion
* 11:30 a.m. ­ Luncheon with the speakers for trainees and investigators new
to NIH 
Afternoon: MORGAN 129
* 1:00  Introduction to Discovery Park
* 1:15  Nanotechnology at Purdue
* 1:45  Environmental studies at Purdue
* 2:15  Biomedical Imaging at Purdue
* 3:00  Discussion 
* 3:30  Tour of Discovery Park and other facilities
To register for this workshop, please visit
http://dagon.admin.purdue.edu/nanohealth/user_registration.php. Please
register for the morning session, as well as for the luncheon. There will
not be a cutoff for the morning session, but the luncheon is limited to the
first 20 postdocs and investigators new to NIH who register, as this is an
opportunity for discussion with the NIH presenters. The afternoon sessions
do not require registration, but all morning attendees are welcome.
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