Deborah Starewich dstarewi at exchange.purdue.edu
Mon Dec 3 11:06:17 EST 2007

MONDAY MEMO, December 3, 2007
1. Announcements
1.1:  NITROGEN SHUTDOWN, December 4, 8:00-11:00AM:  Nitrogen will be shut
down to the following areas the BINDLEY Bioscience Center building and BIRCK
Nanotechnology laboratories 10XX and 20XX.  This is the nitrogen gaseous
distribution piping only and not the liquid nitrogen system.  Please Mark
Voorhis, if you have any issues or concerns, mvoorhis at purdue.edu, 43036,
Cell: (765) 427-0475
1.2:  CARRY IN! All invited and welcomed to attend:  Thursday, Decmeber 6,
11:30, Birck Atrium.  Please bring a dish to share or drinks; tableware will
be provided.  Expect a secret visitor(s), too!
1.3:  Blood Borne Pathogen Training, Friday, 12.07, 3:00PM, BRK 1099.
1.4:  STUDENTS GRADUATING?  Please let Deborah know so that she may note
vacancies and make new assignments as faculty requests are submitted.
1.5:  Announcements for Snow Recess and Severe Weather Emergency:  This
message regarding Announcements for Snow Recess and Severe Weather Emergency
is being sent on behalf of Joe Mikesell, Interim Vice President for Physical
Facilities.  Please direct questions or comments to him at 48000, or to
Diane Coates at 46359.  The PDF document may be found here:
<http://www.purdue.edu/physicalfacilities/pdf/SnowRecess_2007-08.pdf> >
2. Seminars
2.1:  Monday, December 3, 2007, 2:30PM, POTR 234 ­ Fu Room: ³Lectures on
molecular dynamics modeling of materials,² by Alejandro Strachan
ABSTRACT:  Molecular dynamics simulations are playing an increasingly
important role in many areas of science and engineering, from biology and
pharmacy to nanoelectronics and structural materials.  Recent breakthroughs
in methodologies and in first principles-based interatomic potentials
significantly increased the range of applicability of MD and the accuracy of
its predictions even for new materials not yet fabricated or synthesized.
Such predictive power indicates that MD has the potential to play a key role
in guiding the design and optimization of new materials with improved
properties tailored for specific applications. The goal of this short course
is to provide an introduction to the theory behind MD simulations, describe
some of the most exciting recent developments in the field and exemplify its
use in various applications. The short course consists of a brief
introduction and three lectures:
Introduction: molecular dynamics simulations. This short presentation will
describe the idea behind MD simulations and demonstrate its use in real
Lecture 1: the theory behind molecular dynamics. The first lecture will
provide a brief description of classical mechanics and statistical mechanics
necessary to understand the physics and approximations behind MD and how to
correctly interpret and analyze its results. The power, range of
applicability and limitations of MD will be discussed.
Lecture 2: interatomic potentials. I will describe the various models used
to describe the interactions between atoms in a wide range of materials
including metals, ceramics and soft materials as well as new recent advances
like reactive force fields. The key physics of widely used force fields will
be described as well as their accuracy.
Lecture 3: simulation details and coarse grain approaches. The last
presentation will describe simulation techniques to simulate materials under
isothermal and isobaric conditions. We will also describe coarse grain or
mesodynamical approaches (where mesoparticles describe groups of atoms)
focusing on recent advances in theory that enable thermodynamically accurate
simulations including the description of quantum effects in the thermal
properties of high-frequency vibrational modes.
The lectures will be complemented with hands-on exercises utilizing the
nanoMATERIALS simulation toolkit at the nanoHUB that enables running MD
simulations simply using a webbrowser.
BIO:  Alejandro Strachan is an Assistant Professor of Materials Engineering
at Purdue University. He received his doctoral degree in Physics from the
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Before joining Purdue, Professor
Strachan was a staff member in the Theoretical Division of Los Alamos
National Laboratory and worked at the California Institute of Technology.
Prof. Strachan¹s research focuses on developing and validating atomic and
mesoscale computational methodologies aimed at predicting the behavior of
materials from first principles and their application in technologically
relevant areas where a molecularlevel understanding can help solve
outstanding problems. Areas of interest include: nanoscale and
nanostructured materials for electronics and electro-mechanical systems,
active and energetic materials, mechanical properties of molecular solids,
and computational materials design.
2.2:  Tuesday, December 4, 10:00AM, BRK 1001: ³Nano-materials for
Nano-electronics,² by Dr. Zhihong Chen, Research Staff Member, IBM Research
ABSTRACT: With current nano-electronics approaching its scaling limit, a new
emphasis has been placed on looking for new materials that can provide
better electronic properties than silicon. It is extremely important to
develop a thorough understanding of these new materials and take advantages
of them in device designs. In my presentation, I will discuss two
nano-materials ­ carbon nanotube and graphene. Carbon nanotubes have been
shown to have outstanding electronic properties mainly owing to their
dimensionality. I will present fabrication and measurement of a
gate-all-around carbon nanotube transistor ­ an ultimate device design which
takes advantage of the smallness of this material. Challenges in material
complexity and device fabrication will be discussed and an outlook on
nanotube based technology will be presented. Graphene has been a rapid
rising star in the scientific community in the past two years. As the basic
building block for carbon nanotubes, graphene shares many common physical
properties and is attractive for electronic applications because of the
possibility of large scale film growth and implementation. I will
demonstrate devices fabricated with single or double layer graphene and
discuss our current understanding and the required studies planned for the
future to achieve better device performance in future nano-electronic
Zhihong Chen received her B.S. degree in physics from Fudan University,
Shanghai, China, in 1998, and her M.S. and Ph.D. degree in physics from the
University of Florida in 2002 and 2003, respectively. Her Ph.D thesis work
involved studies of the physical and chemical properties of carbon
nanotubes. She co-invented a method to assemble nanotubes into ultra-thin,
conductive and highly uniform films, which can be used as transparent
electrodes in many applications. Her research on separation of carbon
nanotubes by electronic types was targeting the most challenging problem in
the field and was one of the first few attempts, which have been extensively
followed up. Dr. Chen has joined the IBM T.J. Watson research center in
2004, where she is currently is a research staff member in the Physical
Science Department. Her research at IBM focuses on exploring new materials
for nano-electronics. Her contributions include a thorough exploration of
material choices for high-performance nanotube transistors, demonstration of
a process flow for integrated nanotube circuits, and studies of fundamental
properties of new materials such as graphene for electronic applications.
2.3:  Thursday, December 6, 4:00PM refreshments, ME 256; seminar, 4:30PM, ME
161: ³Miniaturized Processes and Machines for Micro-cutting and
manipulation,² by Kornel F. Ehmann, James N. and Nancy J. Farley Professor
in Manufacturing and Entrepreneurship, Northwestern University
ABSTRACT: The miniaturization of components and products increasingly
requires the manufacture of micro/meso-scale features in the range of a few
microns to a few millimeters on components whose size does not exceed
several millimeters. Yet, in spite of the perceived similarity between
conventional and micro/meso-scale manufacturing the physical mechanisms that
govern the latter processes are vastly different and so are the
characteristics of the machines and systems that are needed for their
execution. In regard to the machines and systems there is ample of evidence
to suggest that downscaled processes and machines exhibit superior
capabilities. In this presentation a few key aspects of process and machine
miniaturization will be addressed on two representative examples. The first
is the development of miniaturized machine tools and their key component, an
ultra-high speed spindle, for micro-cutting operations in conjunction with
the analysis and modeling of dynamic instabilities in these operations. The
second is a comprehensive discussion of the feasibility of developing
monolithic mechanisms for micro/meso-scale part manipulation. The specific
example will focus on a shape memory alloy based manipulator. Issues to be
discussed include the manufacture of the mechanism, the feasibility of
³self-sensing² and the modeling of the transformation kinetics and dynamics
of the device. 
BIO: Kornel F. Ehmann is the James N. and Nancy J. Farley Professor in
Manufacturing and Entrepreneurship of the Mechanical Engineering Department
at Northwestern University. Professor Ehmann received his B.S. and M.S.
degrees in 1970 and 1974 respectively from the University of Belgrade and
his Ph.D. degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1979, all in
Mechanical Engineering. He has served as a Professor from 1990-present, an
Associate Professor from 1985-1990, both in the Department of Mechanical
Engineering at Northwestern University, and as an Assistant Professor from
1981-1985 in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison. He is currently also an Adjunct Professor of the
Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering at the University of
Illinois at Urbana/Champaign, a Distinguished Honorary Professors of the
Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology
(IIT) Kanpur, and a University Chair Professor at the Chung Yuan Christian
University, Taiwan. Dr. Ehmann¹s main research interests are in the
interrelated areas of machine tool structural dynamics, metal cutting
processes and dynamics, computer control of machine tools and robots,
accuracy control in machining, and micro/meso-scale mechanical
manufacturing. General Dynamics, General Electric, General Motors, Ford,
Chrysler, IBM, Ingersoll Milling Machine Co., SpeedFam, American Tool Co.,
LLNL, NIST and others have supported his work. Dr. Ehmann has published
close to 200 articles and supervised over 40 MS and 40 Ph.D. students in
these areas. Dr. Ehmann is currently the Technical Editor of the ASME
Transactions: Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering (formerly
Journal of Engineering for Industry), and an Associate Editor of the SME
Journal of Manufacturing Processes. He has served as the President of
NAMRI/SME and as the Chair of the Manufacturing Engineering Division of
ASME. He is a fellow of ASME and SME and a recipient of the SME Gold Medal.
3. Birck Visitors
3.1:  Wednesday, December 5, 9:00-2:30PM, BRK 1001:  Duke Energy
3.2:  Wednesday-Friday, December 5 to December 7, representatives from Sony
will be visiting with Professors Garimella¹s and Fisher¹s groups
3.3:  Friday, December 7, 8:30AM, Meredith Hilt, Director of Tellabs
4.  Job Opportunities
4.1:  Postdoc, BIO-NANOMAGNETISM, Materials Science Division, Argonne
National Lab
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position in Magnetic
Thin Film Group, Materials Science Division at Argonne National Labs.  The
proposed research is focused on developing multi-functional magnetic
nanoparticles for therapeutics and diagnostics purposes. The candidate
should demonstrate his/her capacity to synthesize, functionalize and
optimize nanocomposites for biomagnetic applications. The area of particular
interest is to develop super-paramagnetic nano-bio-conjugates of
controllable size and Currie temperature with superior properties for in
Vitro and in Vivo cytotoxic and hyperthermia targeted treatment of tumors.
Well-established expertise in general areas of life science and
biochemistry, and in particular in successful synthesis and
biofunctionalization of magnetic nanomaterials (ferro-fluids / nanocrystals)
for targeted drug delivery is required. Deep understanding of magnetic
phenomena at nanoscale is required. Past experience with high-resolution
Atomic Force Microscopy is a plus. Excellent English (oral and written)
communication skills are essential and required. The successful candidate
with collaborate closely with staff scientists from Argonne's Materials
Science Division and Center for Nanoscale Materials, and Biological Sciences
Division at the University of Chicago.  The initial appointment is for one
year, renewable for the second year. The candidates should have a recent PhD
or equivalent in physics, chemistry, materials science or a related
discipline.  Interested candidates may email to novosad at anl.gov. The
applications should include a motivation cover page, CV, publications list,
up to 3-pages summary of proposed research project, and names of 3 academic
referees.  The position is available immediately.  Argonne is a U.S.
Department of Energy laboratory managed by The University of Chicago.
4.2:  Postdoc, NANOMAGNETISM, Materials Science Division, Argonne National
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position in the
Magnetic Films Group of the Materials Science Division at Argonne National
Lab.  The research will be focused on understanding the magnetization
reversal mechanisms, RF driven spin dynamics and transport properties of
patterned nanomagnetic structures and arrays. We are looking for a
self-motivated individual who has a solid background in experimental
magnetism, including experience in thin film growth, microfabrication (clean
room environment), electron-beam lithography, high-frequency / time-resolved
measurements, and MFM / MOKE microscopies.  The initial appointment is for
one year, renewable for the second year. Experience with micromagnetic and
analytical modeling of spin dynamics in confined geometries is required.
Excellent English (oral and written) communication skills are required.
Candidates should have a recent PhD in materials science or a related
discipline.  Interested candidates may email to novosad at anl.gov. The
application should include a cover page with a statement of motivation, CV,
publication list, up to 3-pages summary of proposed research project, and
names of 3 academic references.  The position is available immediately.
Argonne is a U.S. Department of Energy laboratory managed by The University
of Chicago. 
5.  Life on the Outside
5.1:  Holiday Craft Show:  Tuesday, December 4, MRGN 146 and 148.
5.2:  by way of CSW (Council on the Status of Women at Purdue University):
Witness is a rape awareness zine publication at Purdue dedicated to sharing
both survivor narratives and community viewpoints on the widespread problem
of campus rape and sexual assault.  Email your submission (maximum 1000
words in a Microsoft Word document or artwork in jpeg format) to
wro at purdue.edu <mailto:wro at purdue.edu>  with the subject title "Witness" by
December 7th, 2007.  Read the Call for Submissions
00.rtf> to learn more.  Contact:  Katie Pope; Director, Women's Resource
Office; American Railway Building; 4-9879

Deborah S. Starewich
Administrative Assistant to Timothy D. Sands, Director
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University

dstarewi at ecn.purdue.edu


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