[BNC-all] Evacuation Friday, 17 Aug 07, 2:00 PM

John Weaver jrweaver at ecn.purdue.edu
Fri Aug 17 14:44:30 EDT 2007

In violation of several policies, Fire Protection Services was working on
the fire panel without notifying anyone in the BNC.  They did, however,
notify Purdue Fire and Purdue Police that maintenance was underway and not
to respond to an alarm.  They did inadvertently set off the toxic gas alarm,
initiating an evacuation.  Then, again in violation of BNC policies, Fire
Protection Services announced an "all clear."  This second announcement
should not have been made, it was made such that few people heard and
understood it, and it was not repeated.  Consequently, a great deal of
confusion ensued.


At no time was there a dangerous situation in the facility.  It was a false


Work is underway to prevent a recurrence of this unfortunate incident.  


It is VERY IMPORTANT that everyone respond to any alarm in the building as
if it was an actual incident.  You must evacuate immediately.  In event of a
false alarm, we will get you back in the facility as rapidly as possible.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation,


John Weaver


John R. Weaver

Facility Manager

Birck Nanotechnology Center

Purdue University

(765) 494-5494

jrweaver at purdue.edu


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