[BNC-all] Monday Memo

Deborah Starewich dstarewi at exchange.purdue.edu
Mon Aug 13 09:06:23 EDT 2007

MONDAY MEMO, August 13, 2007
1. Announcements
1.1:  WELCOME: Jeff Goecker, Birck¹s new Communications Specialist.  Jeff¹s
responsibilities will include the website and print media.  He looks forward
to meeting everyone and learning about the research done in Birck.  He will
be instrumental in getting the ³word² out to the world about our Center.
Jeff¹s office is BRK 1289, phone 47716, and e-mail jgoecker at purdue.edu
1.2:  WELCOME: Joerg Appenzeller, Professor of Electrical and Computer
Engineering and Scientific Director for Nanoelectronics.  Joerg¹s office is
BRK 1027C, phone 41076, and e-mail appenzeller at purdue.edu
1.3:  CLEANROOM SHUT DOWN: September 4 and 5
       LABS PROCESSES SHUT DOWN: September 6
Our schedule for the fall semi annual cleanroom PM is set for September 4
and 5, 2007 starting at 7:30 AM.  The east & west lab PM is set for
September 6, 2007 starting at 7:30 AM.  All cleanroom and labs processes
will be shut down during these times.
During the Cleanroom shut on September 4 & 5 the following systems will be
down affecting the ENTIRE BUILDING, due to no chemical exhaust systems:
Ultra pure water; All toxic gases; H2 generator
Both east and west lab wings will down all day on September 6.
Since the chemical exhaust systems will be down, all chemicals are required
to be removed from all fume hoods prior to 4:00 P.M. on the day before the
PM start date (Cleanroom Sep 3 and Labs Sep 5). Any chemicals left in fume
hoods after this time will be remove prior to shut down.
Please contact Mark Voorhis with any questions or concerns
(mvoorhis at purdue.edu <mailto:mvoorhis at purdue.edu> ; 43036).
2. Seminars
2.1: Monday, August 13, 2:00pm: "Spin Dynamics of Charged Excitations in
II-conjugated Polymers," Dr. Cungeng Yang, post-doctoral research candidate;
PHYS 203; hosted by Prof. Yong Chen
2.2:  Tuesday, August 14, 1:00pm: ³Building on the Past While Moving Toward
the Future: Creating the Vision of the BBC,² by Dr. Richard J. Kuhn,
Department Head and Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Purdue
University; Candidate, Director of the Bindley Bioscience Center
2.3: Tuesday, August, 14, 2:00pm: "Spin-dependent transport in A1 grans and
single Debye relaxation in BST nanoparticles," Dr. Liyuan Zhang,
post-doctoral research candidate; PHYS 202; hosted by Yong Chen
3. Workshops
3.1: Save the Date for the 2nd Annual KIST/PU Symposium: ³Molecular Imaging
and Theragnosis,² September 14, 2007, 8am-5pm, MRGN 121. Space is limited:
Register by Sept. 11 at: www.purdue.edu/dp/bbc/kist
<http://www.purdue.edu/dp/bbc/kist <http://www.purdue.edu/dp/bbc/kist>
<http://www.purdue.edu/dp/bbc/kist >  >


Deborah S. Starewich
Administrative Assistant to Timothy D. Sands, Director
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University

dstarewi at ecn.purdue.edu


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