[BNC-all] Tour of Birck, Wednesday, November 15

Willison, Sheryl L swilliso at purdue.edu
Tue Nov 14 15:21:31 EST 2006

Dear BNC Researchers,

Tomorrow, Wednesday, President Jischke will be hosting two
representatives from a company to which MIT and Purdue are partnered for
proposing a very large research program in energy biosciences.

Nanotechnology will play a role in this work, so the group will be
touring the Birck building between 11:00 and noon.  If it is convenient
for you to be working in the Birck building during that time I encourage
you to do so to give our visitors a sense of what is happening here. 

Best regards,


George B. Adams III, Ph.D.
Special Projects Manager, Discovery Park
Research Development Manager, Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University
1205 West State Street  |  West Lafayette, IN 47907-2057
+1 765 494 2698 phone  | +1 765 496 8383 fax | www.purdue.edu/nano

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