[BNC-all] CCAM Visiting Scientist Seminar 11/10/06

Deborah Starewich dstarewi at exchange.purdue.edu
Mon Nov 6 14:54:30 EST 2006

The professors who organized this seminar asked me to request that you (or
an appropriate delegate) distribute the announcement below to the faculty in
your department. The seminar is this Friday, November 10th at 4:30 p.m. in
REC 315.

Purdue University's Center for Computational and Applied Mathematics(CCAM)

Professor Weinan E
Department of Mathematics and Program in Applied and Computational
Princeton University

Seminar Title: What Can Go Wrong in Coupled Atomistic/Continuum Simulation

Date: Friday, November 10th / 4:30 p.m. REC 315

This seminar is a part of the center's Visiting Scientist Seminar Series:
Fall 2006 Theme "Analysis and Computation of Materials". 

We also have some half hour time slots for faculty and/or
students to meet with Professor E on November 10th. If anyone
is interested in scheduling some time with him, please contact
Heather Connell in the CCAM office at 496-7678. E-mail:
connellh at math.purdue.edu <mailto:connellh at math.purdue.edu> . Please state
your preferred time for a
meeting, and CCAM will get back with you to confirm if that time is

An abstract of his upcoming presentation appears at the bottom of this

Additional background Information on Professor E: Professor E received his
Ph.D. in
Mathematics from UCLA. He is currently a Professor in the Dpeartment of
Mathematics and Program
in Applied and Computational Mathematics at Princeton University. His
research centers
on developing systematic mathematical analysis and computational
methodologies for
stochastic and multiscale, multi-physics modeling in science and

Abstract of Upcoming Presentation: Numerical methods based on 
coupling atomistic and continuum models hold the potential for simulating 
efficiently the behavior of macroscopic systems and at the same time being 
faithful to the atomistic details near defects or singularities.
However, to 
achieve this goal, one needs to understand the numerical issues for 
coupling atomistic and continuum models. In this talk, he will discuss 
some of the most typical errors in such coupled methods, both for 
fluids and for solids, and he will discuss ways of removing these errors.

Heather A. Connell
Center for Computational and Applied Mathematics
Department of Mathematics/ College of Science
Purdue University
150 N. University Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

Phone: 765-496-7678
E-mail: connellh at math.purdue.edu


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