[BNC-all] Fwd: /History Channel Series

Annie Cheever acheever at ecn.purdue.edu
Thu Nov 2 11:17:32 EST 2006

>Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 10:07:12 -0500
>To: Recipient List Suppressed:;
>From: Pat Dilts <dilts at ecn.purdue.edu>
>Subject: /History Channel Series
>TO:   ECE faculty, staff and grad students (and EPICS administration)
>If any of you are involved with or aware of a person or group who 
>creates new electronics or mechanical devices from old machinery or 
>parts, the company that is putting together a 13-hour documentary 
>series called "The Secret Life of Machines" for The History Channel 
>is interested in knowing about it.   This does not need to be done 
>through, or even associated with, Purdue.
>Please contact Tyler Stockton at Perpetual Motion Films -- contact 
>information below.
>What a great program this will be when it's aired!!
>>Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2006 13:37:37 -0800
>>From: "tyler stockton" <tylerstockton at gmail.com>
>>To: dilts at purdue.edu
>>Subject: Purdue/History Channel Series
>>X-ECN-Spam-Status: No
>>My name is Tyler Stockton and I'm an Associate Producer with Perpetual
>>Motion Films.  We produce programming for The History Channel and are
>>currently working on a new series called "The Secret Life of
>>I have read a lot about Purdue and your technology and engineering
>>departments.  We're looking for stories about using old machinery and
>>parts to create ground breaking new electronics or other types of
>>mechanical devices.  Any ideas, developments, or stories you know of
>>would be of great help.
>>I have attached some press kit material to this e-mail which details
>>our company and other programs we've produced for The History Channel
>>and A&E.  My contact info is listed below.
>>Tyler Stockton
>>Associate Producer
>>Perpetual Motion Films
>>5701 Lindero Canyon Rd.
>>Suite # 1-202
>>Westlake Village, CA. 91362
>>Phone # (818) 575-9922
>>Fax (818) 575-9944
>>tylerstockton at gmail.com
>>Content-Type: application/msword; name="PMF -TITLES PRESS KIT.doc"
>>X-Attachment-Id: f_19wn531
>>Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="PMF -TITLES PRESS KIT.doc"
>>Content-Type: application/msword; name="PMF FEB -'06.doc"
>>X-Attachment-Id: f_19wncpg
>>Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="PMF FEB -'06.doc"
>(Ms.) Pat Dilts
>Admin. Asst. to the Head
>ECE / Purdue
>Room 122C, EE Building
>(765) 494-3539
>(765) 494-3544 (fax)
>dilts at purdue.edu


Annie Cheever, Area Secretary                      
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering 
acheever at purdue.edu
Purdue University
Birck Nanotechnology Center, Room 2027
1205 West State Street
West Lafayette, IN  47907-2057

Phone: 765-496-8327     Fax: 765-496-6443     http://www.nano.purdue.edu/  
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