[BNC-all] Please disregard this message: Opportunity for Research with Purdue Alum at Northrup Grumman

Willison, Sheryl L swilliso at purdue.edu
Thu Aug 31 16:50:15 EDT 2006

Please disregard this message.


From: Willison, Sheryl L 
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 4:29 PM
To: 'bnc-all at ecn.purdue.edu'
Subject: Opportunity for Research with Purdue Alum at Northrup Grumman

From: George B. Adams III [mailto:gba at purdue.edu] 
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 4:17 PM
To: Willison, Sheryl L
Subject:  Opportunity for  Research with Purdue  Alum at Northrup

 Dear BNC Member,

Dr. Angelo Alfano, a Purdue Chemistry graduate now with Northrup-Grumman
(NG) called me to discuss the possibility of finding Purdue faculty
interested in working with him to write brief proposal(s) to NG for
internal-source seed funding of research projects to: 
(1) develop biochemistry concept(s) that could lead to improved
sensitivity and specificity for detection of ionic, low vapor pressure
hydrazine-like molecules intended as aerospace fuels but that could be
concealed and difficult to detect as explosives. See the attached PDF
file, hydrazine.pdf for more details.
(2) develop lab on a chip concepts, likely MEMS and/or
nanotechnology-based, to lead to small, portable sensors for these
hydrazine-like compounds for both leak detection and security screening.
Some further thoughts are in the attached file, Purdue.doc from Dr.

The purpose of this proposal process is to solicit novel approaches to
some problems of current aerospace, Department of Defense, or Department
of Homeland Security relevance.   The technology should be farsighted
with a possible 5 year payoff .    This effort, if funded, is
essentially seed funds to get started, around $40-50K to produce white
papers spelling out the concepts for (1) and (2).    Compelling white
papers would form the basis for proposing a larger project(s) to prove
the chemistry and work towards prototype sensor systems.

Please contact Sheryl Willison, swilliso at purdue.edu  by Tuesday Sept. 5
of your interest.   Please include email address,  and phone number. 

George B. Adams III, Ph.D.
Special Projects Manager, Discovery Park
Research Development Manager, Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University
1205 West State Street , West Lafayette, IN 47907-2057
765 494 2698 phone 765 496 8383 fax | www.purdue.edu/nano

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