[BNC-all] Invitation to PCRD Conference in Indianapolis, September 6 and 7

Willison, Sheryl L swilliso at purdue.edu
Fri Aug 18 09:59:08 EDT 2006



From: Butz, Cheryl A. 
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 5:26 PM
Subject: Invitation to PCRD Conference in Indianapolis, September 6 and

Vic Lechtenberg would like to extend an invitation for you to attend
Purdue's Center for Regional Development Conference (PCRD) in
Indianapolis on September 6 and 7.  Please see attached memo.  If you
have any problems opening the memo please let me know.  Thank you,
Cheryl Butz (49095) 





         TO:         Deans, Directors of Discovery Park Centers and
Engagement Council


   FROM:         Vic L. Lechtenberg, Vice Provost for Engagement


    DATE:         August 17, 2006


           RE:         Purdue's Center for Regional Development




Dear Colleague


By now, you are probably aware of the September 6-7 inaugural conference
of Purdue's Center for Regional Development (PCRD) titled Regional
Development for Local Success:  Innovations in Economic Development and




As Co-Director of the PCRD and Vice Provost for Engagement I am pleased
to provide you or your designee with a complimentary registration to
this important conference. 


This conference is very important in raising awareness within Indiana of
how a regional approach to many of our crucial statewide and national
priorities is of utmost importance.  The conference also provides an
opportunity for our campus colleagues to reflect on how their work
relates to this framework and to be challenged and informed by some of
the best thinkers within the state and nation.  Finally, this is an
excellent opportunity to showcase any work or programs within your unit
that may be relevant to the conference and attendees. A limited amount
of display space is available should you want to take advantage of this


Please let Kelli Slack (kslack at purdue.edu) know by Aug. 28 whether or
not you will be using the complimentary registration I am
providing.....or, if you have designated its use by someone else within
your unit. 


Thank you for your interest and participation. I look forward to seeing
you on September 6.  



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