[Apreosem] Apreo SEM Email List

Alejandro Manuel Manuel Alcaraz Ramirez alcarazr at purdue.edu
Sun Sep 13 21:54:54 EDT 2020

Dear Apreo Users,

You have been added to the Apreo SEM list for ease of communication between Users and Staff. If you have any comments about the Instrument status or usage and want to notify all USERS and Staff, please send an email to apreosem at ecn.purdue.edu. You can unsubscribe from this list by visiting your subscription page or emailing us.

There is a general account for all users (login: user, password: user) and we have created an account for each user so you can save your personal settings, the login is your email name (without @purdue.edu) and your password is your name registered in Ilab.

Example (My email is alcarazr at purdue.edu and my name is Alejandro Alcaraz)
user: alcarazr
password: alejandro

If you have any comments or concerns do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards

Alejandro M. Alcaraz

R.S. Electron Microscopy

Birck Nanotechnology Center

Purdue University

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