ACS_facuty Short Course: Anatomy of Autonomy

Dave Cappelleri dcappell at
Tue Mar 10 10:51:32 EDT 2020

To ACSI Affiliated Faculty-

Please see the attached flyer on an upcoming short course on the "Anatomy
of Autonomy" being offered at Purdue from March 31-April 3, 2020.

It is open to students and faculty.  Please Click here to RSVP
<> for the
3-day short course. Details of dates and times can be found in the
reservation link. Please register by March 13, 2020.

Dave / Darcy


David J. Cappelleri, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Purdue University
Mechanical Engineering
585 Purdue Mall
West Lafayette, IN  47907-2088
E-mail: dcappell at
Phone:  765.494.3719
Fax:    765.494.0539
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