ACS_facuty JTRP Update: FY 2021 Research Program and upcoming engagement opportunities

Bullock, Darcy M. darcy at
Fri Nov 1 21:47:20 EDT 2019

I am writing to update you on the process for the developing the FY 2021 Research Program and upcoming engagement opportunities.

  1.  INDOT recently completed their 2019 Strategic Plan.  I would encourage you to review this document for insights on areas where you feel research could contribute:
  2.  INDOT has established the following timeline for developing the FY 2021 JTRP research program.
     *   November, December, January:  Faculty will have an opportunity to participate in focus groups (Table 1 below, dates are still being scheduled and will be communicated when available).  We strongly encourage face to face participation in these meetings to provide a forum for identifying projects of mutual interest.  However, we realize that scheduling conflicts may prevent attendance and you may submit your research needs suggestions using the following link:  Also, feel free to reach out to colleagues listed in Table 1 below to discuss further.
     *   February 10:  INDOT PA Focus group leaders listed below will develop prioritized lists of candidate projects to develop scope, schedule and budget for review by INDOT leadership for possible inclusion in the FY 2021 work plan.
     *   February 10-March 27:  Faculty with projects under consideration for FY 2021 will be consulted by INDOT PAs to provide scope, schedule, and budgets for projects to assist in INDOT deliberations.
     *   April: INDOT leadership will evaluate project scope, schedule and budgets and develop a FY 2021 Research Program that addresses strategic agency goals and available funding resources.
     *   May 1: JTRP Office notified of projects for which full proposals will be requested.
     *   November 1, 2020: Deadline for approval of FY 2021 proposals
  3.  Our next JTRP Executive Committee meeting will be held in Indianapolis on December 10, 2019, beginning at 9:00 a.m.  More details will be communicated as the agenda is developed.
  4.  We will be holding our annual poster session in February at the Indiana Government Center in Indianapolis to provide an opportunity for you to share results and implementation activities of faculty research projects that are currently in progress or recently completed.  Once that has been scheduled, we will be sending out information regarding the date, time and sign up sheet.

Table 1:  List of FY 2021 Focus Groups

Focus Group
INDOT R&D, PAs (Co-Leaders)
University Liaisons
INDOT Business Owners (Co-Leaders)
Meeting Time
Meeting Location
District Operations, DDCs
Barry Partridge
Steve Dunlop
Rusty Fowler
Statewide Safety, S
Barry Partridge
Steve Dunlop
Mike Lane
Highway Maintenance Operations, MOP
Barry Partridge
Steve Dunlop
JD Brooks
Pavements, Materials, Geotechnical and  Construction, PMGC
Tommy Nantung
John Haddock
David Holtz - Kumar Dave - Matt Beeson - Athar Khan - Greg Pankow
Planning, Multimodal, Finance, Asset Management and Economic Impact, PMFAME
Samy Noureldin
Sam Labi
Brad Steckler - Roy Nunnally - Kristin Brier - Brian Larcom - Louis Feagans - Pam Fisher
Structures (Bridges), Hydraulics and Environmental, SHE
Tim Wells
Mark Bowman
Jeremy Hunter - Stephanie Wagner - Anne Rearick - Mark Bailey - Laura Hilden
Traffic Engineering, Safety, Mobility and Operation, TESMO
Tim Wells
Andrew Tarko
Dan McCoy - Brad Steckler - Jim Sturdevant

Darcy Bullock, P.E.
Lyles Family Professor of Civil Engineering and
Joint Transportation Research Program Director
Purdue University
204a DLR Center
207 S. Martin Jischke Drive
West Lafayette, IN  47907-1971
765/479-0310 (Mobile)
darcy at<mailto:darcy at>  (Location of DLR Center)

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