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Capturing output for printing

There are several ways to capture your program's output in a file.

The first way is to use "output redirection". The redirect command (>) will redirect the output from the program into a file. If your program does require you to type in data at the keyboard you will not see the prompts.

	  a.out > outdat
This method puts output into a file named outdat. The file can then be printed using the lp command:
	  lp outdat
To view the file use the cat or more commands:
	 cat outdat
more outdat

The same data may be routed directly to the printer without storing it in a file. This is done using the pipe (|) character to direct the command output to another device:

	 a.out | lp
If you need to enter data from the keyboard, you probably want to use the script command. Script makes a copy of everything that is printed on your terminal. To use script, type this command:
	script foo
The machine will respond:
	Script started, file is foo
Then run your program. When the program is done, type:
The machine will respond:
	Script done, file is foo
You can then view the file on your terminal screen or print the output file on a printer, just as you would any other file.

Last Modified: Dec 19, 2016 11:12 am US/Eastern
Created: May 31, 2007 1:22 pm GMT-4 by admin