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Animation software plugins

SideFX Houdini and Redshift3D provide plugins for use in other applications.  Here is a brief description

of those available in ECN-supported systems.


Redshift in Maya

Installation: Maya has to be installed before Redshift.

Usage: There should be a shortcut in the start menu labeled "Redshift4Maya".  It configures

the maya.env file to know where Redshift is installed and then launches Maya.  The Redshift

plugin has to be enabled by going to Windows->Settings/Preferences->Plugin Manager and

checking the two boxes for Redshift.  If the plugin is enabled, a menu labeled "Redshift" should

be visible.  Other plugins are also available to enable using this method such as Bitfrost and Fur.


Redshift in Houdini

Installation: Either can be installed first.  Redshift will need an updated license file which is not available yet.

Usage:  A modification is required to the Houdini.env file.  This file will be located in one of

the following locations:

U:\Personal\Houdini18.0\houdini.env (faculty or staff accounts)
W:\My Documents\Houdini18.0\houdini.env (student accounts)
The file will need to contain the following along with anything else that might be in the file already:
PATH = "C:/ProgramData/Redshift/bin;$PATH"
HOUDINI_PATH = "C:/ProgramData/Redshift/Plugins/Houdini/${HOUDINI_VERSION};&"
A Redshift menu should then be visible within Houdini.


Houdini in Maya

Installation: Maya has to be installed before Houdini.

Usage: This is the same as Redshift in Maya.  The Houdini plugin has to be enabled by going to

Windows->Settings/Preferences->Plugin Manager and checking the two boxes for Houdini.

If the plugin is enabled, a menu labeled "Houdini" should be visible.


Houdini in UnrealEngine

Installation: Either can be installed first.  HoudiniEngine folder has to be copied to UnrealEngine by ECN.

Usage: Start a project.  To confirm the plugin is available, go to Project Settings and scroll down

to the Plugins section to confirm "Houdini Engine" is listed.


Last Modified: Sep 15, 2020 8:21 am America/New_York
Created: Jan 28, 2019 4:16 pm US/Eastern by admin