Abridged ECN Policies

All users of ECN resources are bound by all applicable federal, state, and local laws. In addition, all users are bound by Purdue Policies as well as the full ECN policies.


2.1  ECN cannot be held responsible for any loss of data arising directly or indirectly from the failure of hardware or software or from human error.

2.2  Every effort is made to maintain system security. Unauthorized access to information is possible, however, through malicious mischief. ECN staff cannot guarantee against loss of privacy, theft of information, damage, or loss of data.

3.2  Only properly authorized persons may access ECN facilities and resources.

4.3  Each user is responsible for any and all activity initiated in or on ECN facilities by his or her account.

4.4  Users may not share their passwords with any other person (including with ECN Staff).

5.6  ECN reserves the right to interrupt running jobs and/or delete large files that may be causing system performance degradation, especially if it is affecting other people.

Above all, users are responsible at all times for using ECN resources in a manner that is ethical, legal, and not to the detriment of others.

David S. Carmichael, Director
Engineering Computer Network


A PDF version of this page is available here.

If you are a new user's supervisor or Business Office representative wishing to request an account, please visit the Request an Account Page.