Husein Khambata at Tesla in San Francisco, CA

Husein Khambata at Tesla in San Francisco, CA

Name: Husein Khambata

Birthplace: Mumbai, India

Major: Electrical Engineering

Student Classification: Junior

Name and location of company where you are on co-op: Tesla in San Francisco, CA

Job duties: Body in White Equipment Engineer in Robotics and Controls.  Improving and commissioning automated cells to ramp up production in Model S, X and/or 3. Primary tasks include teaching robotic paths, troubleshooting issues with end effectors, programming robot logic based on feedback from PLC’s or end effectors, modifying ladder logic to support automated sequences with production associates, maintenance technicians and the equipment, creating Human Machine interface screens to show status indications, hands-on mechanical repairs and installations, and debugging new manufacturing systems and technology.

Why did you want to do this co-op/What do you hope to gain from the experience? This has been a dream company to work for; it aligns with my personal beliefs for a cleaner sustainable future. Plus, I get to test drive the cars so that’s always a plus. I really wanted to get experience in a production sensitive role, where I can solve issues that directly affect production numbers and our ability to perform well as a company. Also the experience working in a fast paced company, that's trying to change the automotive industry, we have to solve problems that are unseen before and critical, along with ramping up production I hope to learn a lot more about automation and optimization while integrating my electrical engineering skills.

What are your ultimate career goals? Ultimately, I'd see myself contributing to a vehicle electronic design or working more on the renewable energy side of the business, where i actively contribute to new product design.

Check out more ECE co-op and internship spotlights here.