2018 Outstanding Electrical & Computer Engineers

The Outstanding Electrical and Computer Engineering (OECE) awards celebration - recognizing the achievements of alumni and faculty - is a highlight event each year. We acknowledge past successes and look forward to continued growth in terms of the size and strength of ECE as evidenced by a number of performance metrics including leadership in research and education.

Kim Boyer

Dr. Kim Boyer

Dean of Engineering and Applied Sciences
University at Albany, State University of New York
BSEE 1976, MSEE 1977, PhD 1986


Bruce Eastmond

Mr. Bruce Eastmond

Manager of Research (Retired)
Motorola, Inc.
BSEE 1965, MSEE 1966


Robert Morrow

Dr. Robert Morrow

Morrow Technical Services
PhD 1988


Valerie Taylor

Dr. Valerie Taylor

Division Director, Mathematics and Computer Science
Argonne National Laboratory
BSECE 1985, MSEE 1986


Eric Walters

Dr. Eric Walters

PC Krause and Associates
BSEE 1994, MSEE 1995, PhD 1999


Anthony Yen

Dr. Anthony Yen

Vice President
BSEE 1985