2021 Outstanding Electrical & Computer Engineers

The Outstanding Electrical and Computer Engineering (OECE) awards celebration - recognizing the achievements of alumni and faculty - is a highlight event each year. We acknowledge past successes and look forward to continued growth in terms of the size and strength of ECE as evidenced by a number of performance metrics including leadership in research and education.

raja bala

Raja Bala

Principal Applied Scientist
MSEE 1988, PhD 1992

yiran chen

Yiran Chen

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Duke University
PhD EE 2005

sumit mehra

Sumit Mehra

Co-Founder, President, and CTO
Y Media Labs
BSCmpE 2004

jeff sanders

Jeff Sanders

UHU Technologies
MSEE 1972

paul stahura

Paul Stahura

Co-Founder and Board Member
Donuts, Inc.
BSEE 1984, MSEE 1987

ashish toshniwal

Ashish Toshniwal

Co-Founder and CEO
Y Media Labs
BSEE 2005