January 11, 2017

Research Opportunities For ECE Undergraduate Students Interested in Medical Imaging, Device, and Signal Processing

Priority: No

1) Imaging gastric and brain functions in rodents (2 students)

    In an NIH-funded project, we are using MRI to image gastric and brain functions, and assess how such functions are modulated by vagal nerve stimulation. Students will be trained to perform animal surgery and MRI scan with senior graduate students, analyze MRI data, and report findings. Students should have strong interest in preclinical research and medical imaging. Students with strong programming skills (Linux shell scripts, Matlab, or Python) are preferred but not mandatory. 


2) MRI-comptabile medical device development and testing (2 students)

    In several funded projects, we are combining MRI with central and peripheral neural recordings or stimulation. Innovative and MRI-compatible recording/stimulation devices are being developed in house. We will train students to develop and test such devices with in vitro and in vivo experiments. Students should have strong interest in medical devices. Students with circuit design and programming skills are preferred. 


3) Medical Image Analysis (2 students)

    We seek undergraduate students to develop medical image analysis pipelines to facilitate animal and human MRI studies. Students will be engaged in medical image segmentation, modeling, classification, and visualization, together with senior graduate students. Students with programming experiences and skills are preferred.  


Any student interested in the above opportunities should contact Professor Zhongming Liu (zmliu@purdue.edu).