February 3, 2017

Maymester/Summer 2017 programs

Priority: No

The Purdue Moves Scholarship is still the same through summer 2017 (students receive the $1000) , but there are big changes coming after Fall 2017.  After Fall 2017 International students are no longer eligible, families that earn over $250,000 are excluded, students must have a FAFSA on file,  and amounts will vary based on program length.  Again, these changes take place AFTER fall 2017.  Scholarship end completely after summer 2018, so please encourage students to use them while they are available.  https://www.studyabroad.purdue.edu/programs/aid/details.cfm?scholarid=228


Program application links: 


Engineering Cultures Taiwan- 3 credits for ENGR 195- Tech elective for ME - Complementary Elective for ECE-  Open to all engineering students.



Professional Intercultural and Global Development in Colombia- Led by Heidi Parker – Earn 3 credits for ME 497- Open to all of engineering



Materials for Biomedical Devices in Barcelona and Seville Spain -Led by Prof. Lia Stanciu- Earn 3 credits for MSE 49700.  Open to all of Engineering



Engineering Education and Practice in South Korea- Led by Bumsoo Han and Jong Hyun Choi- Open to all of engineering



System Dynamics Modeling for Engineers in Pamplona, Spain- Led by Joaquin Goni from Industrial Engineering-Total 6 credits-Open to all of engineering



Testing Compact Power Systems- Valencia, Spain- Led by Guillermo Paniagua- Tech Elective for ME – Total 6 credits-



Finite Element Method of Engineering Structures- Bristol and London, England- Led by Vikas Tomar –Tech elective for ME/Prerequisite is ME 323



Experience French Engineering- Paris – Open to all of Engineering


If you have any questions please contact the Study abroad office: https://www.studyabroad.purdue.edu/ContactUs/index.cfm