ECE 29595 - Electronics Laboratory I (Now runs as ECE 20007)
Course Details
Lab Hours: 3 Credits: 3
Counts as:
- EE Core
- CMPE Core
Experimental Course Offered:
Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Spring 2019
(ENGR 13100 or ENGR 14100 or ENGR 16100 or ENGR 13300) and (PHYS 17200 or PHYS 15200) and (MA 16600 Minimum Grade of C- or MA 16200 Minimum Grade of C-) and (MA 26100 [may be taken concurrently] or MA 17400 [may be taken concurrently] or MA 18200 [may be taken concurrently] or MA 27101 [may be taken concurrently]) and ECE 29595 Electrical and Computer Engineering Fundamentals I [must be taken concurrently]
Requisites by Topic:
Two semesters of calculus; complex numbers; computer literacy and experience with MatLab or equivalent; some familiarity with vectors and matrices. Concurrent Prerequisites: Third semester of calculus.
Catalog Description:
This course is focused on introducing students in the area of analog and digital electronics through experimental exercises. In the first part of the course students learn how to conduct a variety of measurements including voltage, current, impedance, frequency, and waveform measurements. In the second part they learn how to design and measure basic circuit elements (resistors, inductors, capacitors, diodes, and transistors) and their applications (e.g. waveform generators, amplifiers, digital logic).
Required Text(s):
Recommended Text(s):
Learning Outcomes:
- An ability to analyze linear resistive circuits. [1]
- An ability to analyze 1st order linear circuits with sources and/or passive elements. [1]
- An ability to analyze electronic circuits with diodes and transistors. [1]
- An ability to keep a laboratory notebook and prepare a formal laboratory report. [3]
Lab Outline:
Lab | Activity |
1 | Ohm's law, DC supplies, and voltage, current, and resistance meters |
2 | Time-varying Ohm's law |
3 | The Oscilloscope |
4 | Oscilloscope triggering |
5 | Superposition and equivalent circuits |
6 | Lab practical 1 |
7 | Inductors and capacitors |
8 | Step response |
9 | Transformers |
10 | Frequency response |
11 | Measurements of diode characteristics |
12 | A small signal attenuator |
13 | Common source amplifier |
14 | CMOS inverter |
15 | Lab practical 2 |
Engineering Design Content:
- Analysis
Assessment Method:
Two lab practical exams will be offered.