ECE 49595 - Software for Embedded Systems (Now runs as ECE 40862)
Activities 1. Get hands on with platform and simple exercise to understand the concept of cross compilation 2. Understanding polling vs. interrupts 3. Designing control loops: sense, compute, actuate 4. Event-driven SW architecture: TinyOS on MSP430F5438 evaluation board 5. Real-time scheduling in Linux on the Beagleboard embedded platform 6. Writing a simple distributed embedded application
Course Details
Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3
Counts as:
- EE Elective
Experimental Course Offered:
Spring 2011, Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Fall 2015
ECE 36200
Requisites by Topic:
Digital Logic Design, Basics of Microcontrollers, C Programming
Catalog Description:
This course provides an introduction to software design for embedded computing systems. Major topics covered include the importance of time and timing in embedded systems, embedded software organization (FSM-based program design, polled loop systems, foreground- background systems, event driven architectures, multi-tasking, etc.), real-time scheduling and real-time operating systems, wired/wireless networked embedded systems, debugging techniques for embedded software, and advanced topics such as memory-safe programming, implementing reentrant functions, and minimizing code space, memory usage, and power consumption. The course features a series of integrated assignments using state-of-the-art embedded hardware platforms, embedded software design tools, and real-time operating systems that reinforce the concepts taught in the lectures.
Required Text(s):
- An Embedded Software Primer , David E. Simon , Addison-Wesley Professional , 1999 , ISBN No. 13: 978-0201615692
Recommended Text(s):
- Introduction to Embedded Systems, A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach , E.A. Lee and S.A. Seshia , 2011 , ISBN No. 978-0-557-70857-4
Lecture Outline:
Week(s) | Major Topics |
1 | Introduction to embedded systems and associated tool flow |
2 | Review of embedded hardware |
1 | Time and clocks in embedded systems |
3 | Software architectures for embedded systems |
3 | Real-time operating systems |
2 | Software for networked and distributed embedded systems |
2 | Debugging techniques for embedded software |
1 | Advanced topics |
Engineering Design Content:
- Establishment of Objectives and Criteria
- Analysis
- Construction
- Testing
- Evaluation
Engineering Design Consideration(s):
- Economic
- Environmental
- Manufacturability
Assessment Method:
The students will have several opportunities to satisfy the course outcomes including design assignments and a midterm/final exam. A student will satisfy each course outcome when his/her score for the corresponding exam/assignment question(s) equals or exceeds 40%, which represents minimal competency. If the student fails to meet this level of minimal competency on a specific course outcome, the student will have a second chance to do so by appearing for a retest (either written or through an interview, to be chosen by the instructor). While the retest will not affect the student's score on the original test, it will provide him/her a second opportunity to demonstrate competency on the course material, and satisfy the course outcome.