ECE 49595 - Power Electronics Laboratory
May be used to satisfy part of the BSEE lab requirement.
Course Details
Lecture Hours: 1 Lab Hours: 3 Credits: 1
Counts as:
- EE Adv Level Lab
- CMPE Selective - Special Content
Experimental Course Offered:
Spring 2011, Spring 2012, Spring 2013
(ECE 20800, ECE 25500) and ECE 43300 [may be taken concurrently].
Requisites by Topic:
Undergraduate electronics course and power electronics
Catalog Description:
The primary objective of this laboratory is to provide the students with a basic foundation for analysis, design, test, and DSP control of power electronics converters by simulation and experimentation. The laboratory work involves design, construction, and DSP control of power electronics converters including DC-DC, DC-AC, and AC-DC converters.
Required Text(s):
Recommended Text(s):
Engineering Design Content:
- Establishment of Objectives and Criteria
- Synthesis
- Analysis
- Construction
- Testing
- Evaluation
Assessment Method:
A student who receives a passing grade must have demonstrated basic competency in the outcomes. Basic competency will be assessed based on the following specific methods: (i) First outcome will be tested through pre-laboratory homeworks, laboratory procedures and reports and final exams, and (ii) Second outcome will be assessed via laboratory performance and checking the lab notebook and project reports.