ECE 59500 - Digital Logic Synthesis


Spring 2009 CRN 34119

Course Details

Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3

Counts as:

Experimental Course Offered:

Spring 2009

Catalog Description:

Logic Synthesis is the process of transforming a high-level circuit description into an optimized gate-level description. This course deals with the design of exact and heuristic algorithms for logic synthesis that form the basis for VLSI Computer-Aided Design (CAD) logic synthesis tools. Topics include synthesis of two-level circuits, synthesis of multi-level circuits, synthesis of finite-state machines and technology mapping.

Required Text(s):

  1. Logic Synthesis and Verification , G.D. Hachtel and F. Somenzi , Kluwer Academic Publishers , 2006 , ISBN No. 978-0387310046

Recommended Text(s):

  1. Logic Design Principles , E. J. McCluskey , Prentice Hall , 1996 , ISBN No. 0-13-539784-7

Learning Outcomes:

A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated:
  1. an ability to design minimal combinational logic circuits.. [a,c,k]
  2. an ability to design minimal finite-state machines.. [a,c,k]

Lecture Outline:

5 Two-Level Logic Synthesis; Boolean Algebras; Don't Care Conditions and Two-Level Logic; Selecting Prime Implicants; Heuristic Minimization
1 Special Functions
1 Binary Decision Diagrams
4 Finite-State Machine Synthesis; Minimization and Transversal of Finite-State Machines; Decomposition and Encoding; Retiming
1 Multi-Level Logic synthesis
1 Technology Mapping
1 Asynchronous Sequential Circuits
1 Examinations

Engineering Design Content:

  • Establishment of Objectives and Criteria
  • Synthesis
  • Analysis
  • Construction
  • Testing
  • Evaluation

Engineering Design Consideration(s):

  • Economic
  • Manufacturability

Assessment Method:

Homework assignments and exams.