ECE 39595 - Human-Computer Interaction
Counts as a complementary elective for the BSEE and BSCMPE degree.
Course Details
Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3
Counts as:
Experimental Course Offered:
Spring 2011
ECE 36800
Requisites by Topic:
Programming experience in Java, C++, Python, or C.
Catalog Description:
Human aspects and factors permeate all engineering systems, particularly computing systems. This course will provide a hands-on introduction to human-computer interaction (HCI), the study of interaction between people and computers. The focus of this course will be on both sides of the user interface between the human and the computer. On the computer side, this involves issues such as computer graphics, input/output hardware, and software engineering. On the human side are issues like communication, design, and cognitive aspects. Special emphasis will be placed on non-traditional user interfaces for the new generation of computational devices, including mobile devices, large and tabletop displays, and ubiquitous and pervasive computing, as well as on social media, universal usability, and sustainable design.
Required Text(s):
- Designing the User Interface , 5th Edition , Ben Shneiderman and Christine Plaisant , Addison-Wesley , 2010 , ISBN No. 0-321-53735-1
Recommended Text(s):
- The Design of Everyday Things , Donald Norman , Basic Books , 2002 , ISBN No. 978-0385267748
Learning Outcomes:
- An ability to apply HCI principles and guidelines to interface design. [a,b,c,e]
- An ability to critically evaluate an HCI system. [a,b,i]
- An understanding of human perceptual and cognitive abilities. [a]
- An ability to collaborate in teams on a creative design problem. [d,g]
- An understanding of cultural, social, universal, sustainability, and accessibility concerns for HCI. [f,g,h,j,k]
Lecture Outline:
Week | Major Topics |
1 | Introduction to HCI, definition of usability (basic design assignment) |
2 | Human capabilities - perception and cognition |
3-4 | Design processes and evaluation (evaluation assignment) |
5-7 | Direct manipulation and user interface design (user interface assignment) |
8-9 | Interaction devices and interaction techniques (interaction technique assignment) |
10 | Collaboration |
11-12 | Social computing (social networks assignment) |
13 | Information search, retrieval and visualization (visualization assignment) |
14 | Advanced topics and HCI research |
15 | Class project presentations |
Engineering Design Content:
- Establishment of Objectives and Criteria
- Synthesis
- Analysis
- Construction
- Testing
- Evaluation
Engineering Design Consideration(s):
- Ethical
- Health/Safety
- Social
- Sustainability
Assessment Method:
Series of homework assignments, a class project conducted in groups, and a midterm and a final exam.