ECE 595D - RF and Microwave Wireless Components

Course Details

Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 1 Credits: 4

Counts as:

Experimental Course Offered:

Spring 2008 and Spring 2009


Prerequisites: ECE 441 or graduate standing Concurrent Prerequisites: FOR SPRING 2008, STUDENTS MUST ALSO REGISTER FOR ECE 595E

Catalog Description:

This course is an introduction to the high frequency portion of wireless systems. The course will utilize both electromagnetic and circuit theory combined with a measurement laboratory to give students a grasp of the concepts necessary to understanding high frequency wireless systems. Microwave software will be used to design components focusing on the antennas, passive components, active circuits, and packaging of wireless systems. Noise, propagation, and modulation will also be introduced to put the relevance of the component design in the context of a wireless system.

Required Text(s):

  1. Microwave and RF Design of Wireless Systems , David Pozar , Wiley , 2001 , ISBN No. 0-471-32282-2

Recommended Text(s):

  1. Microwave Engineering , 2 Edition , David Pozar , Wiley , ISBN No. 0471170968

Learning Outcomes:

A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated:
  1. an ability to design portions of wireless radio systems, focusing on WLAN radio components. [a,c,e,k]
  2. an ability to synthesize filters and antennas using microwave software in conjunction with hand analysis. [b,c,k]
  3. an ability to layout and fabricate utilizing the results of the synthesis of the filters and antennas. [c,e,k]
  4. an ability to measure microwave structures. [a,b,c,e]

Lecture Outline:

Week(s) Major Topics
1 Introduction and Receiver Overview
2 Transmission Lines
3 S-parameters, Network Analysis, and Matching
4 Antenna System Requirements
5 Basic Antennas
6 Propagation and Fading
7 Propagation and Fading
8 Noise and Distortion in a Microwave System
9 Lumped Element Filters
10 Lumped Element Filters and Microwave Realization of Filters
11 Amplifier Basics
12 Amplifier Design Using S-parameters
13 Oscillators
14 Phase Locked Loops/Synthesizers
15 Modulation Overview and Receiver Architectures Revisited

Engineering Design Content:

  • Establishment of Objectives and Criteria
  • Synthesis
  • Analysis
  • Construction
  • Testing
  • Evaluation

Engineering Design Consideration(s):

  • Health/Safety
  • Manufacturability

Assessment Method:

These are done through specific exam questions, presentations, and demonstrations of working designs in the laboratory.