ECE 495I - Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering
Course Details
Lecture Hours: 1 Credits: 1
Counts as:
Experimental Course Offered:
Spring 2007
Catalog Description:
This course is intended to provide an introduction to electrical and computer engineering for students in their freshman year. A goal is to provide some historical background of the respective subareas within ECE, a description of analytical tools that will be developed throughout their curriculum, the motivation for the tools, and to inform students of elective courses in ECE.
Required Text(s):
Recommended Text(s):
Learning Outcomes:
A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated:
- knowledge of the respective areas of electrical and computer engineering. [None]
- knowledge of the history of the respective areas. [None]
- knowledge of some essential concepts within each subarea of ECE:<br> ES&E - Charge and moving charge creating force, electric fields, magnetic fields, energy, efficiency<br> FO - Conductors, dielectrics, ferroelectrics, circuit elements (R< L, C), traveling electromagnetic waves<br> CNSIP - Information transfer using electromagnetic means. Signals, amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, frequency vs time domain, stochastic processes, biomedical image processing<br> Solid State - Semiconductors vs conductors, diodes, transistors, material processing, VLSI<br> Computer Engineering - Digital systems, microprocessors, software engineering<br> Automatic Control - System regulation, feedback, bandwidth, stability, continuous systems, optimization, discrete systems, hybrid systems. [None]
Lecture Outline:
Weeks | Topic |
2.5 | History/Concepts/Ongoing Challenges in ES&S |
2.5 | History/Concepts/Ongoing Challenges in Fields/Optics |
2.5 | History/Concepts/Ongoing Challenges in Communications |
2.5 | History/Concepts/Ongoing Challenges in Solid State |
2.5 | History/Concepts/Ongoing Challenges in Computers |
2.5 | History/Concepts/Ongoing Challenges in Automatic Control |
Assessment Method:
Homework and quiz performance will be used to track student development and lecture effectiveness.