ECE 595C - RF and Microwave Wireless Components
Engineering Design Content:
The design will center on the creation of wireless radio systems, focusing on WLAN radio components.
Synthesis will be performed in the creation of filters and antennas using microwave software in con junction with analytical hand analysis.
Fabrication will be performed utilizing the results of the synthesis of the filters and antennas.
Measurement will be performed on the fabricated structures using vector network analyzers, spectrum analyzers, and high frequency oscilloscopes.
Engineering Design Considerations:
The course will discuss spectrum allocation and health concerns from radiation and the relationships between power output of wireless systems. The performance of the lab projects will be discussed in regards to these concerns.
There will be 4 to 5 students per group arranged by the professor. We will be running 2 to 3 lab sessions. These will be arranged.
Laptop Computers
6 Laptops will be issued to the laboratory groups. Each is equipped with the necessary software, specifically, Ansoft HFSS and Agilent ADS. Once there are issued, they are your responsibility. Any damage that occurs is your own responsibility and a grade will not be given unless these are returned in their original working order. This includes viruses, so safe computing practices is essential.
Course Details
Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 2 Credits: 4
Counts as:
Experimental Course Offered:
Spring 2006
Catalog Description:
This course is an introduction to the high frequency portion of wireless systems. The course will utilize both electromagnetic and circuit theory combined with a measurement laboratory to give students a grasp of the concepts necessary to understand high frequency wireless systems. Microwave software will be used to design components focusing on the antennas, passive components, active circuits, and packaging of wireless systems. Noise, propagation, and modulation will also be introduced to put the relevance of the component design in the context of a wireless system.
Required Text(s):
- Microwave and RF Design of Wireless Systems , David Pozar , Wiley Publishing , 2001 , ISBN No. 0-471-32282-2
Recommended Text(s):
- Microwave Engineering (version 2) , David Pozzar , Wiley Publishing , ISBN No. 0471170968
Learning Outcomes:
- The ability to apply electromagnetic theory with a focus on the distributed nature of high frequency circuits.. [None]
- The ability to design practical microwave circuits (passive and active) using the latest in microwave software (Agilent ADS and Ansoft HFSS). [None]
- Understand the limitations of high frequency receivers including noise, circuit loss, radiation, and non-linearities and relate this to the overall performance of a circuit and wireless system. [None]
Lecture Outline:
Week | Topic |
1 | Introduction and Receiver Overview Chapter 1 and Chapter 10 |
2 | Transmission Lines Section 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 |
3 | S-parameters, Network Analysis, and Matching Section 2.3 and 2.4 |
4 | Antenna System Requirements Section 4.1 and 4.2 |
5 | Basic Antennas Section 4.4 and supplement |
6 & 7 | Propagation and Fading Section 4.5 and 4.6, section 9.4 |
8 | Noise and Distortion in a Microwave System Chapter 3 and chapter 9 |
9 | Lumped Element Filters and Microwave realization of Filters |
11 | Amplifier Basics Section 6.1, section 6.2 and section 6.3 |
12 | Amplifier Design Using S-parameters Section 6.4 and section 6.5 |
13 | Oscillators Section 8.1 and section 8.2 |
14 | Phase Locked Loops/Synthesizers Section 8.4 |
15 | Modulation Overview and Receiver Architectures Revisited Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 |
Lab Outline:
Lab | Topic |
1 | Radar Laboratory<br> |
2 | HFSS and ADS Introductions through transmission Line Simulation<br> |
3 | Antenna and Propagation Laboratory<br> |
4 | Resonator Laboratory<br> |
5 | Filters Laboratory<br> |
6 | Noise and Spectrum Analyzer Laboratory<br> |
7 | Amplifier Design<br> |
Assessment Method:
There will be two exams (midterm and final), a biweekly assignment (homework or quiz) and approximately biweekly laboratory write-ups. 35 % lab, 15 % quizzes/homework, 25 % each exam