ECE 595C - RF and Microwave Wireless Components
Course Details
Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 2 Credits: 4
Counts as:
Experimental Course Offered:
Spring 2004
Catalog Description:
An introduction to the high frequency portion of wireless systems. The course will utilize both electromagnetic and circuit theory combined with a measurement laboratory to give students a grasp of the concepts necessary to understand high frequency wireless systems. Noise, propagation, and modulation will also be introduced to put the relevance of the component design in the context of a wireless system.
Required Text(s):
- Microwave and RF Wireless Systems , David Pozar , Wiley Publishing , 2001 , ISBN No. 0-471-17096-8
Recommended Text(s):
Learning Outcomes:
A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated:
- the ability to apply electromagnetic theory with a focus on the distributed nature of high frequency circuits. [None]
- the ability to design practical microwave circuits (passive and active) using the latest in microwave software (Agilent ADS and Ansoft HFSS). [None]
- an understanding of the limitations of high frequency receivers - including noise, circuit loss, radiation, & non-linearities and relate this to the overall performance of a circuit and wireless system. [None]
Lecture Outline:
Weeks | Topics |
1 | Introduction to Wireless Systems |
1 2/3 | Transmission Lines and Microwave Networks |
1 1/3 | System Noise |
2 2/3 | Antennas and Propagation |
1 1/3 | Filters |
1 1/3 | System Aspects of Mixers |
2 2/3 | Active Circuits - Amplifiers and Oscill. |
1 1/3 | Modulation Tech. Related to Rec. Perform. |
1 2/3 | Receiver System Design |
Engineering Design Content:
- Synthesis
- Analysis
- Construction
- Testing
Engineering Design Consideration(s):
- Health/Safety
- Performance
Assessment Method:
There will be two exams, a weekly assignment (HW or quiz), and biweekly laboratory write-ups.