February 21, 2018

Postdoc Research Opportunity at Oak Ridge Institute of Science and Education and the U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine.

Position Type: Research
Priority: No
Degree Requirement: PhD, Post Doctorate

Oak Ridge Institute of Science and Education has a new research opportunities available with the U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine (USAFSAM) for their Advanced Machine Learning-Based Postdoc Research Project. USAFSAM is seeking a candidate with a PhD in electrical engineering or computer science with experience in analyzing big data, waveforms, advanced machine learning techniques and predictive algorithms. 

U.S. Citizenship is required. 

Please view the project description here: https://www.pcrecruiter.net/pcrbin/reg5.aspx?i1=WEBGUEST&i2=592218579515917&i3=DETAIL&i4=592218579515917&i5=USAFSAM%3d8818401545&i6=&i7=&i8=2%2f20%2f2018%204:38:26%20PM&hash=1435299463&i10=USAFSAM-8818401545&pcr-id=XdqO6TE9tumBYTlxrv8scETeDcvmBY1LJjlRF6LJZBmNa%2fvpZBBnMaAM82%2bHteQ3HAGPKbZdX8haZg8yCBm%2f3xbhj2Kz7gDaLKfMn1%2b%2fz4qzPhiafI9iUhyXcBFTzIiehu0vZn2st7SlWM76ksLV1UQWUtRAzc6z