BME69500DL: Deep Learning
Spring 2021
Purdue University
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Week 1; Lecture 1 (Kak and Bouman) Introduction to Class

Week 1; Lecture 2 (Bouman) Machine Learning; Single Layer Neural Networks

Week 2; Lecture 1 (Kak) Intro to Python and Object Oriented Programming

Week 2; Lecture 2 (Bouman) The Loss Function, and Gradient Descent

Week 3; Lecture 1 (Kak)

Week 3; Lecture 2 (Bouman) Tensors and Tensor Operations

Week 4; Lecture 1 (Kak) Autograde and Computational Graphs

Week 4; Lecture 2 (Bouman) Gradients for Single Layer Networks

Week 5; Lecture 1 Cancelled due to snow

Week 5; Lecture 2 (Kak) Autograd (Bouman) Deep Networks

Week 6; Lecture 1 (Kak) Pytorch and Convolutional Neural Networks

Week 6; Lecture 2 (Bouman) Optimization of Deep Networks

Week 7; Lecture 1 (Kak/Bouman) Convolution Neural Networks

Week 7; Lecture 2 (Kak/Bouman) Multi-Channel CNNs

Week 8; Lecture 1 (Kak) Skip Connections and Batch Normalization

Week 8; Lecture 2 (Bouman) Exam

Week 9; Lecture 1 (Kak) Object Detection and Localization

Week 9; Lecture 2 Reading Day

Week 11; Lecture 1 (Kak) Object Detection and Localization

Week 11; Lecture 2 (Bouman) Probability and Estimation

Week 12; Lecture 1 (Kak) Multiple Instance Object Detection

Week 12; Lecture 2 (Kak/Bouman) Multiple Instance Object Detection/Training and Generalization

Week 13; Lecture 1 (Kak) Encoder-Decoder Architectures

Week 13; Lecture 2 (Bouman) Stochastic Gradient Descent

Week 14; Lecture 2 (Kak/Bouman) Recurrent Neural Networks/Widely used Techniques

Week 15; Lecture 1 (Kak) Word Embedding and Sequence-to-Sequence Learning

Week 16; Lecture 1 (Kak) GANs for Data Modeling

Week 16; Lecture 2 (Bouman) Adversarial Learning