ChemE Car x PDoG ⚊ April 23, 2019

We teamed up with Purdue Chemical Engineering and Purdue AIChE for Purdue Day of Giving!

Reaction Chamber ⚊ March 24, 2019

Takashi Yokokura prepping the reaction chamber by shaking the vessel to mix the chemicals

Dinner at Regional Conference ⚊ April 12, 2019

Team dinner before the competition at Poco Piatti in Toledo, OH (1 of 2)

Dinner at Regional Conference ⚊ April 12, 2019

Team dinner before the competition at Poco Piatti in Toledo, OH (2 of 2)

2019 ChemE Car Tshirt

ChemE Car team shirt for 2019 designed by Chandani Patel. Front of tshirt.

2019 ChemE Car Tshirt

ChemE Car team shirt for 2019 designed by Chandani Patel. Back of tshirt.

Team photo ⚊ April 13, 2018

Photo taken at the 2019 Regional Conference. Great job, team!

Last Committee Member Meeting ⚊ April 16, 2018

We wrapped up a great year with our last meeting. Good luck and farewell to all our seniors! To everyone else, we'll see you next semester!

Annual Regional AICHE Conference ⚊ April 7, 2018

We hosted this year's regional conference, which was a huge success! Thanks and great job to the planning committee!! (pictured above)

Student-Faculty Social ⚊ February 1, 2018

We hosted our first event at The Stacked Pickle for a chance to connect students to faculty in a super casual, greasy setting!