Call for Papers

This workshop aims to bring together users of the Cetus source-to-source translator as well as researchers interested in the topic of compiler infrastructures.

Cetus is a source-to-source compiler research infrastructure supported by the National Science Foundation. Cetus,, has been used by many research projects as a compilation platform. It represents one of several software infrastructures that support research and development of program analysis, optimization, and translation techniques. This workshop will be a forum for those interested in using compiler infrastructures as well as users of Cetus. To this end, extended abstracts are solicited that describe experiences with Cetus as well as with other infrastructures in the design of compilers and program translators. Authors are encouraged to include a discussion of desirable features of future compiler infrastructures in their extended abstracts. More specifically, extended abstracts are solicited describing extended abstracts of up to four pages on the use of Cetus or other compiler infrastructures in the development of
  • Compiler analyses, transformations, and optimizations
  • Code generators for parallel languages and platforms
  • Tools for debugging or performance analysis
  • Compiler infrastructures in general
  • Case studies and performance evaluations

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: Aug 15
  • Notification of Authors: Sept 5
  • Workshop date: Oct 10, 2011, Galveston, Texas, USA


Submit extended abstracts (up to 4 pages) to


Sam Midkiff, Rudi Eigenmann, and Hansang Bae, Purdue University



9:15-10:30Session 1: Experiences with Cetus #1
Cetus Overview and Tutorial
Sam Midkiff and Hansang Bae
Extensible Pattern Recognition in DSP Programs using Cetus
Amin Shafiee Sarvestani, Erik Hansson, and Christoph Kessler


11:00-12:30Session 2: Experiences with Cetus #2
Cetus-assisted Checkpointing of Parallel Codes
Gabriel Rodriguez, Maria J. Martin, Patricia Gonzalez, Juan Tourino, and Ramon Doallo [slides]
Developing a High Performance GPGPU Compiler using Cetus
Yi Yang and Huiyang Zhou
Input Sensitivity of GPU Program Optimizations
Yixun Liu, Eddy Z. Zhang, Poornima Bhamidipati, and Xipeng Shen


2:00-3:30Session 3: Compiler Infrastructures #1
PATUS: A Code Generation and Auto-Tuning Framework for Parallel Stencil Computations
Matthias Christen, Olaf Schenk, and Helmar Burkhart [slides]
Mercurium: Design Decisions for a S2S Compiler
Roger Ferrer, Sara Royuela, Diego Caballero, Alejandro Duran, Xavier Martorell, and Eduard Ayguade [slides]
The Soot Framework for JAVA Program Analysis: A Retrospective
Patrick Lam, Eric Bodden, Ondrej Lhotak, and Laurie Hendren [slides]


4:00-5:00Session 4: Compiler Infrastructures #2
The ROSE Source-to-Source Compiler Infrastructure
Dan Quinlan and Chunhua Liao
Experiences Developing the OpenUH Compiler and Runtime Infrastructure
Barbara Chapman, Deepak Eachempati, and Oscar Hernandez

5:00-5:30Open Discussion on Compiler Infrastructures
Panels: Patrick Lam, Barbara Chapman, Louis-Noel Pouchet, Dan Quinlan

* Copyrights of all papers are retained by the authors.


The workshop registration will be performed via the PACT 2011 website.


The workshop will be organized in conjunction with PACT 2011.