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Saurabh Bagchi receives grants for game-theoretic security

Saurabh Bagchi receives grants for game-theoretic security

Author: Saurabh Bagchi
Event Date: August 15, 2017
CRISP Director, Saurabh Bagchi, has received 2 research grants in the area of game-theoretic security of large-scale interdependent systems.

The first grant is from the National Science Foundation's security program (SaTC) for a 3 year, $500K project. The PI is Shreyas Sundaram (Purdue ECE) and fellow co-PI is Tim Cason (Purdue Economics). It is titled "The Impacts of Human Decision-Making on Security and Robustness of Interdependent Systems". It deals with how to secure interdependent systems in the cyberphysical space where the decision makers are not perfectly rational (like most humans).

The second grant is from Sandia National Labs for a 2 year, $200K project. The PI is Saurabh and the co-PI is Shreyas and the proposal is titled "Self-organizing Networks of ISR Platforms and Distributed State Estimation". It proposes to build robust inferencing mechanisms in multi-sensor systems in the face of noisy and deliberately injected false information. This is funded as part of Sandia's Academic Alliance Program. It builds on an institution-level collaboration agreement between Purdue and Sandia. A Sandia employee, Abraham Clements, has working with Saurabh and Shreyas toward his PhD since August 2015.