Graduate Students




Xiangyu Wang












Xiangyu WangPh.D. student in Division of Construction Engineering and Management, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette. Xiangyu Wang came from China and graduated from Tongji University, Shanghai with a Bachelor's degree of Civil Engineering in Jun. 2000. After finishing Master degree with the topic Cognition Cost of Viewer Assistant Augmented Reality for Computer Aided Drawing.  in Jul. 2002, he joined Ph.D. program in Purdue and studied courses in multiple areas such as construction automation, construction management, computer graphics etc. and now he is doing research toward his Ph.D. degree on the project Mixed Reality Science and Technology for Architecture, Engineering, and Construction. During the study in U.S., he has been a TA for one and half year for many undergraduate and graduate level courses and has been a RA all the way for Dr. Dunston. He has E.I.T license (Michigan April 2003) and takes on the responsibility for developing the ACSL website while being involved in research project.

Office Phone: (765) 496-2046






Tai-Yuan Lee













Tai-Yuan Lee ,  Ph.D. student in Division of Construction Engineering and Management, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette. Tai-Yuan Lee comes from Taiwan and graduated from National Taiwan University, Taipei with a Bachelor's degree of Civil Engineering in 1994 and a Master's degree in Construction Engineering and Management division in 1996. The title of his thesis was A Study of Professional Construction Management: Economic Analysis and Operational Procedures for Public Works.  After graduation, he joined the Marine Corps for the two-year military service as a second lieutenant. After that, he worked as a RA for one year and a TA for the following year in the department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University from 1998-2000. He also got a P.E license (Taiwan) in this period.  Tai-Yuan Lee enrolled in CEM program at Purdue in spring, 2001. He was interested in the areas of construction automation, construction simulation, and visualization. Now, he is working on the topic Automatic Data Collection and Visualization in Earthmoving Operations.

Office Phone: (765) 496-2046






Do Hyoung Shin










Do Hyoung ShinPh.D. student in Division of Construction Engineering and Management, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette. Do Hyoung Shin came from Korea and graduated from Korea University, with a Bachelor's degree of Civil Engineering in Feb. 1998 and Master degree in structure area in Feb. 2000. After finishing another Master degree in construction engineering and management area, Purdue University in Dec. 2002, he continued Ph.D. program in Purdue and now he is doing research toward his Ph.D. degree on the project, technology application to visualization in construction.

Office Phone: (765) 496-2046






Vinita Desai


Vinita Desai , master student in Division of Construction Engineering and Management, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette. Vinita Desai completed her Bachelors degree is in Architecture from Pune University, in June 2000. She came here in Jan 2002 for Masters in Science with the Division of Construction Engineering and Management.  She has been working with Dr. Phillip Dunston ever since she came. Her research is on " Creation of As-Builts for Process Plant Retrofit Design Using Photogrammetric Metrology ".

Office Phone: (765) 496-2046








Cecilia Wulandari Santoso


Cecilia Wulandari Santoso, master student in Division of Construction Engineering and Management, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette.. She received her B.S in Civil Engineering major in structure at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia.  Her current research topic is how designers are taught about constructability in the context of their general education as designers.

Office Phone: (765) 496-2046










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