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Faculty Honors

Faculty Honors

Magazine Section: Other
Article Type: Page
Hubo Cai


Hubo Cai, Ph.D., P.E., GISP
Associated General Contractors of America Faculty Internship
Walsh Construction
Chicago, IL

Brandon Fulk


Brandon M. Fulk, P.E.
Keynote: Project Management Pipeline
2015 Construction Summit
Dayton, OH

Makarand Hastak


Makarand (Mark) Hastak, Ph.D., P.E., CCP
Keynote: Optimal Capacity Needs for Community Resilience during Post Disaster Recovery
Building Resilience Conference
Newcastle, Australia

Keynote: Post Disaster Capacity Needs for Improving Community Resilience
Perth, Australia


Invited Speaker: An Approach towards Expediting Post Disaster Community Recovery
International Conference on Disaster and Safety Management of Water Infrastructure for Safe Korea
Daejon, South Korea


Invited Speaker: A Model for Profitability Analysis of a Construction Company
2015 Global Leadership Forum for CEM Programs
Weimar, Germany


Invited Speaker: Emerging Careers in Engineering
Education and Health International Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Symposium
New Delhi, India


Invited Speaker: Purdue Index for Construction (Pi-C): The Need for Construction Performance Review and International Benchmarking
First International Construction Innovation Conference
Hong Kong, China


Ted Weidner


Ted Weidner, Ph.D., P.E., AIA
Keynote: Best Practice Metrics for Performance
Senior Facility Officers Conference
Chicago, IL

Pre-meeting Course: From BIM User to BIM Uses
American Institute of Architects Convention
Atlanta, GA