"Shutup and Work" session

Author: Aryan Noroozi
Event Date: December 6, 2018

Dear all,


Hope you are all good,

Join us today for "Shut up and Work" session. Bring your laptop to HAMP 1113 at 6 PM and work in a quiet place. Food is also provided. If you are planning to attend, please fill out the RSVP form.


RSVP here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Ob0wQVN8nEGx5YdY1tY_IR2QVEszPuNMv9sPUWsN6vFURTJRU0lPUjNEWTREWTUxWkxSVE5NVk04TS4u


Looking forward to see you all!