Education Ph.D., Purdue University, 2000
BS/MS, Instituto Balseiro, 1995
Research Interests Solid mechanics applied to the multi-scale analysis and design of advanced and novel architectured materials, interfaces and complex structures. Zavattieri's research interests lie at the interface between Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering with focus on the development of novel materials that exhibit paradigm-shifting properties for various applications that can impact the general field of infrastructure and lightweight structural materials. His contribution to solid mechanics has been focused on the structure-function relationship of advanced materials at multiple length-scales, combining state-of-the-art computational techniques and experiments to characterize the properties, and enabling the design of novel materials. His early work on micromechanical models for materials has provided a robust framework for combined computational/experimental investigations of polycrystalline materials. His contribution to fracture mechanics includes the development of a new fracture models for thin-walled structures and their implementation in commercial finite element codes. He also made contributions in the area of smart materials, structures and smart composites (with a total of 10 patents and 5 other published patent applications). He has recently worked on solid mechanics problems related to biological and biomimetic materials. He pioneered the use of the 3D printing technology for the fabrication of scaled-up biomimetic composites and its combination with theoretical/computational models and experiments to unveil the most important toughening mechanisms found in some of most impact resistant natural materials. His most recent work is focused on architectured metamaterials, smart and programmable materials.
Selected Research Projects
Convergent Evolution To Engineering: Multiscale Structures And Mechanics In Damage Tolerant Functional Bio-Composite And Biomimetic Materials - DoD/MURI 2015-2018.
CAREER: "Multiscale Investigation and Mimicry of Naturally-Occurring Ultra-High Performance Composite Materials," NSF Faculty Early Career Development 2013-2018.
A Multiscale Strategy for the Modeling of the mechanical performance of hoop and loop fasteners based on a detachment zone model (DZM). Velcro Co. 2013-2016.
Collaborative Research: 3D Printing of Civil Infrastructure Material with Controlled Microstructural Architectures, NSF, 2016-2019.
Scalable Nanomanufacturing. SNM: Roll-To-Roll Manufacturing Of Films And Laminates Based On Cellulose Nanomaterials, NSF, 2014-2018.
Concrete Patching Materials And Techniques An Guidelines For Hot Weather Concreting INDOT/JTRP, 2014-2016.
Investigating The Need For Hma Drainage Layers INDOT/JTRP2015-2016.
Toward Performance Related Specifications for Concrete Pavements INDOT/JTRP, 2014-2016.
Damage-tolerant Biological Composites Derived from the Teeth of a Giant Chiton AFOSR 2012-2017.
Uncovering and Validating Toughening Mechanisms in High Performance Composites, AFOSR 2012-2016.
Honors & Awards
NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award, 2013.
University Faculty Scholar, Purdue University, 2015-2020.
Roy E. & Myrna G. Wansik Research Award. Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, 2013.
Selected Publications Biological and Biomimetic Materials
Escobar de Obaldia, E., Herrera, S., Grunenfelder, L.K., Kisailus, D., Zavattieri, P.D., "Competing mechanism in the wear resistance behavior of biomineralized rod-like microstructures," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 96, pp. 511-534, 2016.
Yaraghi, N.A., Guarin-Zapata, N., Grunenfelder, L.K., Hintsala, E., Bhowmick, S., Hiller, J.M., Betts, M., Principe, E.L., Jung, J.-Y., Sheppard, L., Wuhrer, R., McKittrick, J., Zavattieri, P.D., and Kisailus, D., (2016), "A Sinusoidally Architected Helicoidal Biocomposite." Advanced Materials, 28(32), pp. 6835-6844, 2016.
Guarin-Zapata, N., Gomez, J.D., Yaraghi, N., Kisailus, D., Zavattieri, P.D., "Shear Wave Filtering in Naturally-Occurring Bouligand Structures," Acta Biomaterialia, 23, pp. 11-20, 2015.23, pp. 11-20, 2015.
Barthelat, F., Tang, H., Zavattieri, P.D., Li, C.-M., and Espinosa, H.D., "On the mechanics of mother-of-pearl: A key feature in the material hierarchical structure," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 55(2), pp. 306-337, 2007.
Rim, J.E., Zavattieri, P.D., Juster, A., Espinosa, H.D., "Dimensional analysis and parametric studies for designing artificial nacre," Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 4(2), pp. 190-211, 2011.
Espinosa, H.D., Juster, A., Latourte, F., Gregoire, D., Loh, O., Zavattieri, P.D., "Tablet-Level Origin of Toughening in Abalone Shells and Translation to Synthetic Composite Materials," Nature Communications, 2, 173,2011.
Weaver, J.C., Milliron, G.W., Miserez, A., Evans-Lutterodt, K., Herrera, S., Gallana, W.I., Mershon, J., Swanson, B., Zavattieri, P.D., DiMasi, E., and Kisailus, D., "The Stomatopod Dactyl Club: A Formidable Damage-Tolerant Biological Hammer," Science, 336 (no. 6086), pp. 1275-1280, 2012.
Restrepo, D., Mankame, N.D., Zavattieri, P.D., "Programmable materials based on periodic cellular solids. Part I," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 100-101, pp. 485-504, 2016, 2016.
Restrepo, D., Mankame, N.D., Zavattieri, P.D., "Programmable materials based on periodic cellular solids. Part II," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 100-101, pp. 505-522, 2016.
Suzuki, Y., Cardone, G., Restrepo, D., Zavattieri, P.D., Baker, T., and Tezcan, F.A., "Self-assembly of coherently dynamic, auxetic, two-dimensional protein crystals," Nature, 533, 369-373, 2016.
Patterned interfaces
Cordisco, F.A., Zavattieri, P.D., Hector Jr., L.H., Bower, A.F., "Toughness of a patterned interface between two elastically dissimilar solids," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 96, pp. 192-208, 2012.
Cordisco, F.A., Zavattieri, P.D., Hector Jr., L.H., Bower, A.F., "On the mechanics of sinusoidal interfaces between dissimilar elastic-plastic solids subject to dominant mode I," Engineering Fracture Mechanics , 131, pp. 38-57, 2014.
Cordisco, F.A., Zavattieri, P.D., Hector Jr., L.H., Carlson, B.E., "Mode I Fracture Along Bonded Sinusoidal Interfaces," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 83, pp. 45-64 2016.
Dri, F.L., Hector Jr., L.H., Moon, R.J., Zavattieri, P.D., "Anisotropy of the Elastic Properties of Crystalline Cellulose I from First Principles Density Functional Theory with Van der Waals Interactions," Cellulose, 20(6), pp. 2703-2718, 2013.
Dri, F.L., Shang, S., Hector Jr, L.H., Saxe, P., Liu, Z.-K., Moon, R.J., and Zavattieri, P.D., "Anisotropy and temperature dependence of structural, thermodynamic, and elastic properties of crystalline cellulose I: a first-principles investigation", Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 22 085012, 2014.
Dri, F.L., Wu, X., Moon, R.J., Martini, A., Zavattieri, P.D., "Evaluation of reactive force fields for prediction of the thermo-mechanical properties of cellulose I," Computational Materials Science, 109, pp. 330-340, 2015.
Cao, Y., Zavattieri, P.D., Youngblood, J., Moon, R.J., Weiss, J., "The influence of cellulose nanocrystal additions on the performance of cement paste," Cement and Concrete Composites, 56, pp. 73-83, 2014.
Cao, Y., Zavattieri, P.D., Youngblood, J., Moon, R.J., Weiss, J., "The relationship between cellulose nanocrystal dispersion and strength," Construction and Building Materials, 119, pp. 71-79, 2016.
Cao, Y., Tian, N., Bahr, D., Zavattieri, P.D., Youngblood, J., Moon, R.J., Weiss, J., "The influence of cellulose nanocrystals on the microstructure of cement paste," Cement and Concrete Composites, 74, pp. 164-173, 2016.
Mechanics of conventional Materials
Zavattieri, P.D., Hector Jr., L.H., Savic, V., Fekete, J., Tong, W., "Spatio-temporal characteristics of the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in austenitic steel with twinning induced plasticity," International Journal of Plasticity, 25,pp. 2298-2330, 2009.
Esmaeeli, H.S., Farnam, Y., Bentz, D.P., Zavattieri, P.D., and Weiss, J., "Numerical Simulation of the Freeze-Thaw Behavior of Mortar Containing Deicing Salt Solution," Materials and Structures, 2016.
Zavattieri, P.D., "Modeling of crack propagation in thin-walled structures with a cohesive model for shell elements," special issue on Computational Mechanics of Journal of Applied Mechanics, 73(6), pp. 948-958, 2006.
Yan, J.-H., Sutton, M.A., Deng, X., Wei, Z., and Zavattieri, P.D., "Mixed-mode Crack Growth in Ductile Thin-sheet Materials under Combined In-plane and Out-of-plane Loading," International Journal of Fracture, 160(2), pp. 169-188 2009.
Yan, J.-H., Sutton, M.A., Deng, X., Wei, Z., and Zavattieri, P.D., "Hybrid Experimental and Computational Studies: Combined Compression-Bending Fracture of Edge-Cracked Polypropylene Specimens," Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures,33(12), pp. 791-808, 2010.
Li, S., Thouless, M.D., Waas, A.M., Schroeder, J.A., Zavattieri, P.D., "Use of a cohesive-zone model to analyze the fracture of a fiber-reinforced polymer-matrix composite," Composites Science and Technology, 65(3-4), pp. 537-549, 2005.
Li, S., Thouless, M.D., Waas, A.M., Schroeder, J.A., Zavattieri, P.D., "Use of Mode-I cohesive-zone models to describe the fracture of an adhesively-bonded polymer-matrix composite," Composites Science and Technology, 65(2), pp. 281-293, 2005.
Sun, C., Thouless, M.D., Waas, A.M., Schroeder, J.A, Zavattieri, P.D., "Ductile-brittle transition in the fracture of plastically-deforming adhesively-bonded structures. Part II: Numerical studies," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 45 (17), pp. 4725-4738, 2008.
Sun, C., Thouless, M.D., Waas, A.M., Schroeder, J.A, Zavattieri, P.D., "Ductile-brittle transition in the fracture of plastically-deforming adhesively-bonded structures. Part I: Experimental studies," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 45 (10), pp. 3059-3073, 2008.