Civil Engineering Graduate Student Travel and Professional Development Scholarships

The Lyles School of Civil Engineering has various funds available to provide support for graduate students in the School to travel. There are two primary categories: 1) Travel to conferences; 2) Professional Development activities.

For group 1) Travel to conferences, preference will be given to students presenting at a podium or poster session during the conference, but all students attending are encouraged to apply.

For group 2) Professional development. These professional or academic activities should contribute to the student’s education and training. These activities don’t need to be required or directly associated with the students’ thesis. Examples include attendance to workshops, training or networking activities. No funds may be requested in support of activities directly related to or in support of the student’s research or coursework.

For both awards, we will also consider group applications. Formal Civil Engineering student groups/associations (recognized through SAO) can request funds for travel to conferences, professional development activities or group/association events (where the group is hosting an event).  Maximum award for a group award would be $2000 based on expenses.

Benefits and Goals


How to Apply

Eligible Expenses

Uncovered Expenses

