Task 010: Self-flying Drones and Visual Analytics

Event Date: September 29, 2022
Time: 11:00 am (ET) / 8:00am (PT) AND
8:00 pm (ET) / 5:00 pm (PT)
Priority: No
College Calendar: Show
Anthony Bisulco, University of Pennsylvania
M3ED: Multi-Robot, Multi-Sensor, Multi-Environment Event Dataset
Abstract: We present M3ED, the first multi-sensor event camera dataset focused on high-speed dynamic motions in robotics applications. M3ED provides high-quality synchronized and labeled data from multiple platforms, including ground vehicles, legged robots, and aerial robots, operating in challenging conditions such as driving along off-road trails, navigating through dense forests, and executing aggressive flight maneuvers. Our dataset also covers demanding operational scenarios for event cameras, such as scenes with high egomotion and multiple independently moving objects. The sensor suite used to collect M3ED includes high-resolution stereo event cameras (1280 × 720), grayscale imagers, an RGB imager, a high-quality IMU, a 64-beam LiDAR, and RTK localization. This dataset aims to accelerate the development of event-based algorithms and methods for edge cases encountered by autonomous systems in dynamic environments. 
Bio: Anthony Bisulco is a PhD student in Electrical and Systems Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania working on robotics, machine learning and hardware systems. Previously, he was a machine learning research engineer at Samsung Research America in the Samsung Artificial Intelligence Center(SAIC) NY. His research interests include computer vision, robotics, hardware, imaging, and machine learning.