BME News

December 15, 2020

Sharpening healthcare for the next wave

The way the novel coronavirus tore through the U.S. healthcare system and threatened to overwhelm it in places has brought into sharp relief the need to apply data-driven analytics and optimization in order to hone healthcare practices and service delivery for the next wave of challenges.
November 24, 2020

J. Paul Robinson elected AAAS Fellow

The College of Engineering will add three additional names to the list of highly accomplished faculty members who are fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
November 20, 2020

Showalter Trust funds two Engineering faculty, including BME's Maria Dadarlat

More than a dozen mid- and early career faculty members have been chosen to receive funding from the Ralph W. and Grace M. Showalter Research Trust Fund. Two Engineering faculty are included: Xiaoping Bao, assistant professor, Davidson School of Chemical Engineering; and Maria Dadarlat Makin, assistant professor, Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering.
November 18, 2020

Y.L. Kim is using pearls for spectral information processing

Purdue BME’s Y.L. Kim is using pearls to provide potential new opportunities for spectral information processing that can be applied to spectroscopy in biomedical and military applications. His team demonstrated light transport-assisted information processing by creating a pearl spectrometer.
October 22, 2020

3D imaging inspired by spider web

Purdue engineers used some architectural features from spider webs to develop the technology. Spider webs typically provide excellent mechanical adaptability and damage-tolerance against various mechanical loads such as storms.
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